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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by SkyRunner

  1. TFW you've finally finished drawing something for Art, but you still have a ton more stuff to do... *cries*
  2. Explorers of Sky. I was seven or eight when it came out.
  3. TIL that 71 years before Rosa Parks, Ida B. Wells refused to give up her seat on the bus and was thrown off by a group of white men. She later cofounded the NAACP but was kept off the list of founders by W. E. B. Du Bois.
  4. No. What do you want from life?
  5. TIL the British army created a special force of 'Facebook warriors', skilled in psychological warfare and use of social media to engage in unconventional warfare in the information age.
  6. 素食的。 (Chinese for vegetarian.)
  7. TIL that when you're told to get a checkup for your special lenses once a year, you should get checked out slightly before that.
  8. TFW every change in lighting makes you space out.
  9. 42. Why did I get such an easy question to answer?
  10. Cold weather. Although I always get sick during the winter, it's better than extreme heat.
  11. SkyRunner


    Banned because that's happening yet again. But luckily for you, that's probably the end.
  12. TIL that the Latin name for the American Plains Bison is 'bison bison bison'.
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