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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by SkyRunner

  1. TFW you're doing homework due in first thing on the bus to school.
  2. I didn't go to school today. Being ill won out eventually. *sighs* Oh, well. mde?
  3. Ah, okay, everyone, I'll try to relax~ mde?
  4. I find that the only times when I'm adamant about going to school is when everyone else tells me to stay home.

  5. TIL that Oxford university is older than the Aztec Empire. It's been teaching since 1096.
  6. Definitely finishing my Computer Science controlled assessment. Since I'm rushing CS and the coursework has to be submitted by the end of term, I've spent lots of lunches working on it. Once I'm done, I think I'll try to do some more reading. I miss reading actual, physical books.
  7. You got me! I've actually been unwell for about a week now. As in, the kind of ill where you can't breathe properly. And I've run two stops for the bus twice this week (so far), while wearing four layers and carrying four bags. My friends keep on telling me to stay home, but I'm a very determined (read: stubborn) person. Juu?
  8. Our dog hasn't had a rabies shot yet, and it takes about three weeks for the shot to fully work, apparently. Which is a shame, but it's better not to risk anyone's health.
  9. No, Juu, you aren't letting anyone down~ Literally nothing isn't much good though since it's a Tuesday though. Are you unwell, Juu?
  10. TFW you're finally going to go back on the server after ages.
  11. TIL that a dog can't go to France until at least three weeks after getting a rabies shot.
  12. SkyRunner


    Banned because you're on the Banned thread.
  13. TFW you haven't been on the server in ages.
  14. SkyRunner


    Banned because you haven't seen anyone in ages.
  15. It's in the Underground Railnet, behind one of the Rock-Smashable walls. You can get it once you've defeated Aya.
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