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    ev training
  • Interests
    Reborn, Rejuvenation, Anime, DOTA 2, Neptunia

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  1. Anything to expect for the Celia City part? No spoilers please.
  2. Are there any good fire types or flying types? I'm still at the Hardened Mountain. hate using only 4 pokemon
  3. Thanks for the suggestions guys! I'm done training the two pokemon (Magneton and Piloswine), just need to find a heart scale to let it evolve. Gardevoir and Drapion are on rotations just for good measure.
  4. Thanks! I'm training on EVs right now and I say it's pretty good for my team. The synergy is very good concerning weaknesses and for terrain.
  5. Welp, So uh, I'm replaying Reborn and I have literally 4 pokemon on my main team. I just defeated Serra and I didn't advance the story yet. Need suggestions Blaziken Naughty 252 Attack/ 4 Def/ 252 Speed EVs Bulk Up Brave Bird Blaze Kick Double Kick Azumarill Careful 135 Attack/ 113 Speed EVs Play Rough Aqua Jet Superpower Aqua Tail Scrafty Lonely 103 Attack/ 98 Speed EVs Crunch Drain Punch Chip Away Hi Jump Kick Noivern Bold 117 Sp. Atk/ 108 Speed Evs Air Slash Roost Super Fang Boomburst I just gonna insert what I have in my box Thanks in advance.
  6. I'm stuck in the Underground Railnet, after gathering Victoria, Adrienn, and the DJ. Is there a specific way to interact with the levers so that the gate to Devon opens?
  7. Oh, well, it's okay. Just defeated Blake with a tanky Beartic/Swampert rotation and a Bisharp/Mienshao rotation tactic.
  8. Nope, I didn't get it, (tbh I forgot where is 7th street is to be exact) but Mienshao is fine due to it being a fast killer.
  9. Swoobat has perfect IVs but the EVs are scattered (only 33 speed EVS) Thanks for the suggestions, training my new mons (Bisharp and Mienshao) but any nice rotations I could find for safety?
  10. So uhh, I need some help. I'm at Ametrine right now, do I need to grind or whatnot? I'm going to post my main team and rotations. (with movesets and nature only, ask me if I need to put IV/EV or other relevant information like items) Blaziken Lvl. 66 - Naive Speed Boost Movesets Flare Blitz Sky Uppercut Shadow Claw Earthquake Druddigon Lvl. 65 - Lonely Rough Skin Movesets Superpower Night Slash Outrage Surf Swampert Lvl. 68 - Impish Torrent Movesets Dive Earthquake Rock Slide Blizzard Emolga Lvl. 66 - Lax Motor Drive Movesets Thunderbolt Volt Switch Pursuit Acrobatics Swoobat Lvl. 66 - Mild Simple Movesets Psychic Sky Attack Air Slash Assurance Kanghaskhan Lvl. 65 - Rash Inner Focus Moveset Earthquake Outrage Sucker Punch Brick Break Rotations: Lvl 63 Golurk Lvl 62 Solrock Lvl 64 Beartic Lvl 47 Rapidash (Hypnosis User) Need to ask since the Blake battle is pretty hard in my last playthrough (played blind) Please give me suggestions if I have to change my team.
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