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About cynx

  • Birthday 12/01/1993

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  1. haahah yes but i dont think Ame would make reborn city all over again (maps and other...)
  2. Will Ame use new pokemons in episode 19 if they come out?
  3. emm... pokemon made from paper fire type? I dont think so but possible, if 3. pokemon exist it should be make by his type like ground
  4. it is 100% not mega evolution but a new pokemon and this is what I think: Magiana fairy/steel, Diancie fairy/rock, ??? fairy/???
  5. Question for all what do you think about new pokemon Magiana?
  6. well i needed 128 eggs for to find female cyndaquil....so you are lucky one
  7. it is in Calcenon City in house with dad of ''dead'' girl. i thinck u must go to the Berly Cemetary nead to activate event
  8. you cant get link stone by mining, but you can find it in some places on ground. Question i found Shiny Charm so the chance to find shiny was 1/200 how much is it now?
  9. i m sorry to tell you but magikarp will not be early in the game BUT you can get magikarp if you have episode 9 i think, dont know where to download it...
  10. Not a waste you just need to w8 4 episode 16 to come out i think u need to w8 to be night but i dont no
  11. 7th street is underground to get in it you must go in one of the houses in Lapis Ward
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