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Everything posted by Ecsentret

  1. Oh, I know Flare Blitz and Hi Jump Kick aren't TMs for Blaziken; in the spoiler Jiggle suggested Earthquake, Rock Slide, or Stone Edge as other moves to fill out Blaziken's moveset, and that's what I was referring to. However, I did completely forget that those two are level 1 moves, so I should reteach them asap. Sorry for the confusion! I'll definitely keep Topsy-Turvy on Malamar then. The Inverse field sounds great, especially when combined with the Amplifield Rock for E16. Thanks for your input!
  2. Yeah, I think I'm definitely gonna go with Gardevoir and Noivern, plus the other slow Pokemon you mentioned. I think I have a spare Link Stone and the Protector, so I should be able to get Rhyperior. Do you think Magnezone is okay for Trick Room, or is it not slow enough? I completely forgot about Mareep as an option, so I'll definitely consider Ampharos. Since I reset a bunch for a female Eevee, I might do Jolteon as well as Sylveon but I'm not sure? I dunno if Jolteon or Ampharos would be more useful for Ciel, especially. Clipping the quote for length, but here's my responses - Blaziken: no worries, I'm definitely planning on replacing Blaze Kick and Sky Uppercut with Flare Blitz and HJK asap, it's just I know my Blaziken doesn't have either of them yet at level 60 so I didn't list them. Unfortunately I don't think any of those TMs are available yet so I'll probably keep Brave Bird as a last resort, and either Swords Dance or Bulk Up. Malamar: generally Malamar's greatest strength is Contrary switching the stat boosts on Superpower to increase Attack and Defense, and then sweeping from there with its STAB moves. I'm mostly just not sure what the fourth slot should be, since it doesn't have much other level-up coverage. Drapion: yeah, I think I might switch to the entry hazards set instead since the Thunder Fang stuff was mostly because I didn't start working on Magnezone until recently. I'm not a big fan of Rest for in-game stuff since I have a huge amount of Moomoo Milk/other healing items, so I might use Acupressure over that (mostly because I love the chance to get evasion, honestly, but I know it's hit-or-miss) or Taunt as suggested. Dragalge: I don't think Scald is available as of E15, though I do plan on replacing Hydro Pump with Surf at the very least as soon as I get it. I might go for Toxic Spikes in the last slot, though. Magnezone: I thought having Thunder Wave with Discharge might be useful when I need a guaranteed paralysis, but yeah, I should probably replace it, maybe with Mirror Coat for the niche usage? Florges: I think I will go with Wish or Synthesis over Grass Knot, and I checked just now - Calm Mind isn't out in E15 and because I didn't think to go back to an earlier episode for the Radomus battle, I don't have the TM. I do like having Misty Terrain as an option to get rid of some of the weirder terrain effects and I don't see the point in having multiple healing moves, so I guess I'll keep that as a last slot filler? Thank you so much for your input, everyone, btw! I really appreciate it a lot. c:
  3. Okay, I'm right before the point of no return and I was wondering if anyone has suggestions for Pokemon to breed for my rotating team before I'm unable to come back for the rest of the episode, especially Pokemon that are useful against the next gym leaders? I feel like I need more special attackers. Thanks in advance for the help! Somewhat related: I'd really love to set up a Trick Room team before next episode, too, so I'm sure Reuniclus would be great for that. If you have any other suggestions specifically for Trick Room, please let me know! Note: please assume the Pokemon have the best possible IVs, I'm about to rebreed everything and these are my plans based on what I already had in my team. The team should all be around level 60 when I actually enter Agate City. Here's a list of my team members at the moment. Physical Attackers/Tanks: Blaziken Adamant, Speed Boost 4 HP/252 Attack/252 Speed -Blaze Kick -Sky Uppercut -Brave Bird -Bulk Up? Slash? Excadrill Adamant, Mold Breaker 4 HP/252 Attack/252 Speed -Earthquake -Rock Slide -Metal Claw -Swords Dance Malamar Adamant, Contrary 252 HP/252 Attack/4 Speed -Superpower -Night Slash -Psycho Cut -Topsy-Turvy (not sure about this) Drapion Impish, Battle Armor 252 HP/100 Attack/158 Defense -Knock Off -Thunder Fang -Acupressure -Toxic Spikes Gourgeist Impish, Insomnia 252 HP/4 Attack/252 Defense -Phantom Force -Seed Bomb or Protect -Leech Seed -Will o Wisp (I'm tempted to breed Protect onto this since I'd have to do E12 breeding anyway, but I thought the extra coverage with Seed Bomb might be more useful since I don't have another Grass type in my rotation yet. Thoughts?) Special Attackers/Tanks Dragalge Modest, Adaptability 252 HP/252 Sp Attack/4 Sp Def -Sludge Wave -Dragon Pulse -Hydro Pump -Double Team (not sure about this) Magnezone Modest, Analytic 164 HP/252 Special Attack/92 Speed -Thunder Wave -Discharge -Flash Cannon -HP Fire (yes, I love to spend hours breeding) Florges Bold, Symbiosis 252 HP/252 Defense/4 Sp Attack -Moonblast -Grass Knot -Misty Terrain -Aromatherapy (not sure about the last two moves, but Calm Mind isn't available right now, right?) Gimmicky Stuff: Murkrow Jolly, Prankster 252 HP/4 Attack/252 Speed -Foul Play -Brave Bird -Tailwind -Perish Song Other Pokemon in my box that I think might be useful, though I'm willing to get pretty much anything suggested to me: Yanma (I would really love to use Yanmega, but is it possible to get Giga Drain on it yet?) Eevee Solosis Scraggy Litwick Noibat Nidoran Archen Horsea Ralts Tyrogue Yamask
  4. I'm having a lot of trouble getting through Pyrous Mountain's lava puzzle. Is there an unseen time limit for it or am I just hitting the wrong pillars?
  5. Oh, okay! Thank you very much!
  6. Quick question, what exactly do the Vanilla/Chocolate/Berry Ice Creams do? I don't see any info on them in the OP.
  7. Alright, I'll grind up a bit tonight and give it a shot in the morning. Thanks again for all the help, I appreciate it very much!
  8. Hm, yeah, I think what I'll do is train up the Yamask first, and if I struggle with it too much, I'll either try to grab the Nuzleaf or maybe the Scraggy from the Slums - I don't want to spend too much time on the tough events if I can avoid it right now. So who should I drop in favor of Cofagrigus? Right now, the planned line-up is Swalot, Persian, Pignite, Numel, Luxray, and Noctowl. I'm guessing Persian?
  9. I just swapped in Noctowl and Numel for Floatzel and Swoobat, thank you for the tip! Also I'm thinking about possible ways to take down Shade's lead and I was wondering, do you think that catching a Yamask, grinding it to Level 37 for Shadow Ball, and then evolving it might be a decent option? I mean, Cofagrigus has terrible Speed but it might be worth a shot? Alternatively I could do the same with a Purrloin sitting in my box, wait til Level 37 for Night Slash before evolving it, though the only Purrloin I have on me is Timid.
  10. Just wondering, where can I get an Upgrade and a Dubious Disc for Porygon?
  11. Hello! I'm going up against Shade relatively soon, and I want to make sure I'm bringing the right team members before I start grinding. Note: my team is Level 33-35 right now; I know I need to level them up before I fight him. Floatzel | Level 33 Swift Swim Impish - Aqua Jet - Pursuit - Double Hit - Baton Pass Swoobat | Level 33 Simple Brave - Calm Mind - Air Slash - Heart Stamp - Assurance Persian | Level 33 Technician Mild - Power Gem - Fake Out - Fury Swipes - Bite Pignite | Level 34 Blaze Bashful - Take Down - Rollout - Arm Thrust - Heat Crash Swalot | Level 34 @ Black Sludge Liquid Ooze Adamant - Body Slam - Sludge - Toxic - Stockpile Luxray | Level 35 Guts Naughty - Thunder Fang - Facade - Bite - Swagger I'm considering grabbing Porygon to get a Porygon2 for the fight so I can make use of the field's boosts to Download and Zap Cannon, but I'm not sure if the Move Relearner is open yet? I'd also like to put a Ghost or Dark type into my team just to make sure I can handle him, but I'm not sure about what to pick. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated, thank you in advance!
  12. I didn't see this before fighting Corey, oops. Yeah, I ended up grinding up to Level 27-ish before fighting him, with Gulpin evolved and with Body Slam instead of Pound. It was the Corrosive Mist field and Swoobat ended up sweeping most of his team, I unboxed a Numel I forgot I had so it could hit Skuntank, Swalot tanked stuff while I healed up other Pokemon, and Luxio took down Crobat in two hits, without even needing to use Facade (I got lucky and Crobat didn't use Venoshock). I think I got pretty lucky. Thanks for the other tips, though!
  13. Hi, I'm back with more quick questions - 1) I've already gotten Cut and Rock Smash, but I'm wondering, what other HMs are available as of E15? 2) I've just beaten Shelly. What would be the best available Pokemon for learning Rock Smash? Preferably I'd like it to be able to learn Cut and/or Headbutt, I just want it to be somewhat useful for things other than smashing rocks.
  14. Yeah, I forgot to check Phanpy's learnset - Donphan gets a Ground move from the start but I don't think I can access the Move Reminder yet to actually learn it. Today it was raining in my game so I grabbed the Numel from Peridot Station and leveled it up a bit, along with a Diggersby in reserve, I think I'll do fine. Thanks for the help!
  15. Hello, I'm about to face Corey in E15 but I want to make sure I'm adequately prepared first. Obviously I've still got some grinding to do (everyone is level 26 right now) but if anyone could recommend some decent new members to my team, that would be very helpful! Current team: Pignite Blaze Bashful -Tackle -Arm Thrust -Rollout -Flame Charge Swoobat Simple Brave -Confusion -Air Cutter -Heart Stamp -Assurance Luxio Guts Naughty -Spark -Facade -Bite -Charge Gulpin @ Black Sludge Liquid Ooze Adamant -Pound -Sludge -Toxic -Yawn Meowth Technician Mild (has a perfect Attack IV) -Scratch -Fake Out -Bite -Fury Swipes Noctowl Keen Eye Naughty -Confusion -Uproar -Peck -Hypnosis My current main plan is to use Swoobat's STAB Psychic types on half of his team and clean up with Luxio (because Guts/Facade combo), including using Luxio on his Crobat. I'd like to get a Ground type in to deal with his Skuntank at the very least, so I'm thinking I might temporarily drop Noctowl or Meowth to swap in a Phanpy or a Nidoran male (I'm willing to run back to the Game Corner to grab one if you think I should use that instead but I'm not sure if I should use my only moonstone on it). Anyway, comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
  16. Ahhh, okay! Thank you again for the link! I'm sure that one will be very helpful. Time to take on Florinia!
  17. Ah, okay, thank you very much for all the help with my questions! I managed to get ~1200 coins from the floor and talking to people, and bepe's link really helped a lot - now I have enough coins to buy a Shinx to replace my Pachirisu. Also, another quick question: I've been using this guide to make sure I do everything I need to do, but it seems like some of the things have changed (like the details of the Obsidia Park quest). Is there a guide that's more accurate for E15 out yet?
  18. Hello! I just started playing E15 - right now I'm in the Onyx Ward, about to fight Florinia, and I have a few quick questions. 1) Is it possible to find/catch Togepi? 2) Can Shinx be obtained outside the Game Corner? 3) Is there an easy way to grind coins for the Game Corner? 4) How can I get Porygon? 5) Where can I get a Wooper? Thank you in advance for the help!
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