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About AverageGamer1

  • Birthday 01/01/1999

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    Anywhere but where I am
  • Interests
    Video games, anime, exercising, Animals (preferably puppers!!) and chilling.

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  1. Down for this Summoner name: AverageGamer1 Primary role: Support Secondary: Jungle
  2. You'd be able to tell if you have a blue moon ince cream in your inventory, he gives it to you after you give him the book.
  3. Did you give the book to the person who requested the sidequest? Since that could be the most likely reason why you don't have it.
  4. you need to go to the Yureyu power plant, in the back room
  5. Once you go to the secret shore, you'll be able to go back to gearen
  6. You need to get 10 oran berries to get the wailmer pail. You can buy those on Gearen city
  7. I can give you the Pokemon. Let me know when you're ready. My username is Jose_Cueva
  8. You're welcome!!! Enjoy them Pokes!!!
  9. I have all five of the Pokemon that you need. My name is Jose_Cueva, so i'll be waiting for you when you're ready.
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