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Everything posted by Zinnsoldatin

  1. My telephone is ringing and I'm like NOPE!

  2. I'm currently playing Pokemon White 2 (it was the only pokemon game I've never played) and Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (last case).
  3. You're from Croatia? That's cool, I'm half Croatian (but I'm not able to speak in Croatian ;__. Welcome to reborn!
  4. My first and my brothers (and main) playthrough: 1.) I did not beg Fern because he is a douchebag. At first I was kinda confused what would happen, but thinking that this would no results in a game break I waited and a little bird freed me~ 2.) Found all police officer without problems (I really lke searching xD) I was shocked to find out that not finding all results in a different scene. 3.) Magma because I saw them first xD 4.) After numerous tries (poisoning it, normally fighting it,...) my brother and I were able to beat that thing with duskull using curse 5.) Fought Sigmund. In his own playthrough my brother fought Sirius and I don't know why but I like this version more. (Sorry Heather!) 6.) I went upstairs. 7.) Radomus because he's cool (and it was kinda obvious that something was going on) 8.) Due to too many idealistic Stories about friendship and nakamas I read, I kinda started getting sentimental and chose Charlotte. Calm down, Charlotte! I just wanted to be a true Idiot Protagonist for once. 9.) I gave Blake the ring. Funny thing is I chose not to give him the ring, read the dialogue and wanted to see what happens if you give him the ring and then saved. I was really stupid for a moment... 10.) I gave her a normal ice cream, but no blue moon ice cream, well too bad. 11.) I like Taka and I kinda agree with what Titania said. In the end I still battled him because I was a bit worried about what would happen if I don't.
  5. Guten Tag aus dem beschaulichen Westerwald, den man vermutlich nicht kennt xD Everyone seems very nice to me,it'll be lots of fun.
  6. Thanks :-) I know the problem with languages and grammar getting shakier. My Greek and Croatian is only useful for translating stuff I hear and basic stuff because no matter how hard my parents tried to talk to me in their language I always ended up replying in German xD Tales of the Abyss is one of the ones I didn't play because I they don't sell it in Germany.
  7. I'm really happy now, my fellow RuriRaptor companion~
  8. Everything you wrote is correct German , so congrats! Thanks
  9. Problem solved!

    1. Shanco


      Great! Do enjoy yourself here!

  10. Hallihallöchen and Hi there I'm half Croatian and half Greek and live in Germany since the day I was born, so I hope my post will be comprehensible (language-wise). I don't really like introducing myself, but some things have to be done, so here we go~ I've been playing pokemon since I was six years old. I know I wasn't able to read and got owned by Brock (until I got my revenge~ ) while playing my first pokemon game which was pokemon yellow and I loved it (except for the fact that I kept losing to him because I was a bit young). That was my beginning with pokemon and I've been playing it since then. I really like playing videogames especially RPGs (Fire Emblem, Tales of, etc.) and story-oriented games like Danganronpa, Phoenix Wright and the Zero Escape series, in addition, I like reading mangas and watching animes. I think it's been a month now, that I started playing Pokemon Reborn, but I really enjoyed playing every second of it and I really want to join this community. That's all for now, I guess. For anyone who is wondering what on earth my name means. It's German for tin soldier (female ;-D).
  11. I need help. The validation e-mail won't come no matter how long I wait. I've been waiting for two days now.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Simon


      I think one of the Auth have to validate it? Not sure to be honest, it should be done soon enough.

      Also, hopefully you correctly typed the email properly for it.

    3. Zinnsoldatin


      I'll try that. Thanks :)

    4. Vinny


      Ikaru normally looks at validation problems :I

  12. Could anyone help me with the validation?

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