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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by apollo151

  1. So I am a bit curious about Common Candies. Most of my team consists of Pokemon that evolve into fairly awesome Pokemon with pretty awesome stats pretty early: Roselia and Meowstic being two of my mains. I know that Common Candies are used to lower a Pokemon's level, but if you reduce them to below the level they were when they evolved, then when they start leveling up again will they retain the stat gains that their evolved forms get? I.E. My Meowstic that is now level 38 has a Special Attack of 105. If I got enough Common Candies to bring it back down to level 20 or so, would it have higher stats once it got back up to level 38? I realize that it would be obnoxious to do so, but I have a bit of a problem with my Pokemon overleveling in the middle of Gym leader battles.
  2. On the topic of Casual Vs. Hardcore gamer: I have played every Pokemon game. I am not one of those guys who goes to tournaments and battles online and EV trains and all the jazz. I play it for the simple fact that the games are usually the same and they are fun. So I guess you could say that I am a casual fan. You are a flat out IDIOT if you think that a fangame is supposed to be super simplistic and easy to the point that you can blast through the entire game with the same team as the main games. One of the best parts about fan games is that you NEED to use alternative Pokemon that you would not usually use and actually develop a strategy to utilize strengths and weaknesses rather than just "LULZ Speed Boost Blaziken Blaze Kick 4 all teh winz". I took on the Grass gym leader with a damn Butterfree that was 7 levels weaker than her entire team. I beat the Electric type gym with a damn BUDEW. You need to really THINK about how well your team will survive a fight before you even begin to think about actually winning, because you can have a super awesome Blaziken all you want, but the second the opponent survives and hits you with a decent Ground, Water, Psychic, or Flying type attack you are SCREWED.
  3. Despite most of Reborn City going through a huge mashup of ecological disasters and pollution, there are a LOT of Grass and Bug type Pokemon available in the early game. Not really complaining since both tend to be pretty good early game Pokemon types, just thought it was funny.
  4. At where I am in Reborn right now, my Ace would probably be....Roselia. I just beat the Grass Gym, and my Roselia has the HIGHEST Special Attack stat out of any of my other Pokemon. This includes my Meowstic, who is a close second for Ace. Anywho: Roselia is just solid because so far she has been able to hit just about everything for at least neutral damage. And when she accidentally leveled up too high for me to control her during the second Gym battle? STILL listened to my orders enough of the time that she was able to pull her weight against the Florinia. I would say though that during the second Gym battle, my Ace Pokemon was Butterfree. Which I realize is a bit of a lame choice, but his Flying/Bug typing allowed him to completely ignore NaturePower(SandTomb) that Florinia constantly used AND Pin Missile did reduced damage because of Flying type AND Needle Arm did reduced damage because of Bug Type! My Butterfree was able to sweep through her entire team up until when Cradily came out and used Smack Down, which is Rock-type. Oddly, I just realized that I am only using "cute" or "pretty" Pokemon. My team consists of: Roselia Wigglytuff f! Meowstic Herdier Numel Noibat
  5. Alright so is there anywhere to find the changes to the Pokemon Events for Episode 15? I'm trying to find the Petilil that's supposed to be in Obsidia Park during sunny weather and the little guy isn't showing up! I'm trying to figure out if maybe some of these events have had their parameters changed? Like maybe I'm supposed to be Florinia first?
  6. So happy that people replied so quickly! As for the event Pokemons: - Teddiursa just VANISHED. I checked all of the hiding places during every possible weather and time of day and still nothing! -Numel is just not showing up by the train station either. 1. Are those specific event pokemon available elsewhere later in the game? Because I am really wanting to catch me a Pachirisu...my save dealt me a Zigzagoon on the bridge and a Wingull in the apartment building. Not exciting. 2. The On the Hunt guide seems to be mostly accurate, but there also seems to be a few inconsistencies since I think it's based on an older episode. 3. Besides Numel, are there any good Ground types available early on?
  7. Hey everybody! I just downloaded the game yesterday and am LOVING it so far. Love the more mature story, the difficulty from the rarity of wild Pokemon, and generally just the game in general. I do have a couple of questions to ask about the game, and feel free for others to throw in their questions too. 1. Does the entire game take place in a single city? 2. Does friendship evolution mechanics work the same as in mothership titles? 3. I am having some trouble finding some of the event Pokemon in the early game, what has changed over the episodes? 4. For the Pokemon events where there are options for different pokemons, I.E. the Opal Bridge where it could be a Zigzagoon, Panpour, Pachirisu, or Wingull; what determines what Pokemon you get? And are you able to get the others elsewhere?
  8. Because I checked the garden area, and I still can not find Teddiursa for the life of me. I mean it's not TOO big a deal, but I was kind of wanting to catch all of the unique event Pokemon. Plus my team could really use another physical attacker. As is my team is: Budew Igglybuff Blitzle Turtwig Espurr Noibat About the only physical attacker I have at the moment is Turtwig. And I know my team isn't super awesome now, but these are Pokemon that I consider investments or that I just really like personally. 1. Roserade is a pretty rockin Grass type special attacker. 2. Igglybuff is just cute okay? Shut up. 3. I for some reason really like Turtwig. 4. Noibat becomes Noivern which is just badass, I mean it's a boombox mashed up with a bat and a wyvern. What part of that ISN'T awesome?
  9. Pertaining to some Pokemon Events: I found Teddiursa in the first two locations, I have searched in rain, thunder, and clear weather conditions, night and day, but I cannot seem to find the little sucker! Did the event change at all during the Episode 15 update?
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