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Everything posted by Pamandy

  1. My favorite has always been Suicune. Pokemon Crystal was the second game I ever owned and I fell so in love with that beautiful Pokemon... I get all happy thinking about it. Second would be Arcanine followed by Darkrai. Not the most powerful, but the ones I love dearly.
  2. If I were a gym leader... wow this is a hard choice. There are so many types of pokemon, and I really would not like to be stuck on one type. I think I too would choose to be a mystical gym with both fairy and dragon types. But my them would not be single typing. I would consist of Pokemon that have duel typing in either of the two. Such as a garchomp or a Jiggypuff(just as examples). My pokemon would be in the high 50's early 60's. (I believe the 8th gym would be hard and the elite four 70's-80's honestly). Also I think, being a gym leader, they should help in the main story line. Like seriously! World about to explode and they sit there and do nothing! My gym would be of a puzzle, which requires you to battle a trainer, they give you a hint to where the next button to go forward is, click the wrong button you have to face another trainer. Something that requires you to get some exp before our battle but also gives you the option of avoiding the rest. There would be 5 puzzles, and four switches to pick from. This is just a quick summary, right under this the gym in full detail. I would be the 8th gym leader, of a small village. The village would be known for its unusually colored plants(most plants a crossbreed between two species giving them three-four colors on one plant alone) that can not be found anywhere else in the region and the hot springs. The citizens would be of mostly of elderly or young children, seeing how most of the teenagers and young adults are trainers on their own adventure. The Gym would be to the north west of the town, where flowers surround the building. Upon entering, the trainer would be confronted by the guy who usually stands in front of the gym statue. The dialogue would go as follows. Gym Statue Guy: "A trainer! Welcome! Welcome! You're here to challenge the gym right? Well you would have to come back. The leader is currently in the rainbow cave, the one that leads outside town to victory road. They said something about a disturbance... Maybe you can find the leader in there." Any attempt to go forward in the gym would be stopped by the same guy. When traveling to the east of town they would come across an Eevee. The Eevee, upon seeing the trainer, would run around them before heading towards the cave. Entering the cave, the trainer would see the Eevee again, whom once again runs around him/her before running deeper into the cave. Once the trainer makes it to the back of the cave, he comes across a woman battling a few grunts from the current villain group. Eevee lets out a cry and looks at the trainer as if wanting them to help the woman. The trainer jumps in and helps. After the battle the woman approaches the trainer. Dialogue would go like this: Woman: "While I did not need your help, I do acknowledge and thank you for stepping him." "...." "..." "So you came to challenge the Gym. But those people....Maybe I am not the one to challenge them..." "..." "..." "....huh." "Alright. I will meet you there. However if you fail to beat me, you have to stay out of this mess and allow me to handle it. Until then." The woman walks pass the trainer, in a rush. Eevee, lets out a happy cry before running around the trainer and following the woman. When the trainer gets back to the village, he is again greeted by the gym statue guy. Guy Dialogue: "I don't know what happened in that cave, but the gym leader came back with a fire we all have not seen in years! Good Luck to you!" When going forward, the trainer will need surf. They will land on a small peninsula, with four switches on four corners, each glowing with an element symbol, that is blocked off by beams and to the far back is a locked door. There is a trainer in the middle they have to go talk to. Dialogue: Female Ace Trainer: "Oh! You're the one that got our gym leader so excited! Its been years since she looked so happy!!" "OHhhhHHh but if she heard me right now! She would bite my head off! So lets battle! If you win I will tell you the puzzle!" Trainer's Pokemon: Gardevoir - Lvl 45 Moveset: Physic, Dazzling Gleam, Moon Blast, Wish Dragonair - Lvl 50 Moveset: Dragon Rage, Twister, Thunder Wave, Thunder Zweilous - Lvl 53 Moveset: Dark Pulse, Dragon Rage, Dragon Claw Upon winning: "You might just beat her!" Upon Losing: "Maybe she was wrong about you." After Winning Battle: "I promised you a puzzle. Well here it is! I roam the sky with large wings, with not much to fear expect against elements like these! Now can you find the right types?" The beams will disappear from blocking the ground switching. The trainer needs to step on both of the correct elements(such as thunder and Ice) in order to unlock the door. The puzzles will continue like this five more times, if they press the wrong answer, they are greeted by another trainer and have to do battle again. At least 3 trainers to one room, one you have to fight, the other two you can avoid, for 5 rooms. Also each Ace Trainer will have the same 3 pokemon. First room requires surf to get to the ace trainer, second room requires strength, third room requires cut, the fourth room requires rock climb and the final room requires waterfall. Each of the trainers would have similar questions, where the trainer has to answer which element is super effective or less effective against another type. When entering the Gym Leaders room, the Trainer is greeted by the same Eevee. Gym Leader Dialogue: "Welcome, I knew you would make it here. When I watched you battle in that cave I knew you were different. I knew you were someone who would make me feel the passion of battle. Too longer have I waited here for a strong Trainer to appear. Now, I, Oblivia, will see if you are worthy to take on the Elite!" Leader's Team: Hydreigon - Lvl 59 Moveset: Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Night Slash, Crunch Garchomp - Lvl 61 Moveset: Dragon Rush, Earthquake, Fire Fang, Brick Brake Gardevoir(mega) - Lvl 62 Moveset: Moonblast, Physic, wish, dazzling gleam. Dragonite: Lvl 63 - Fissure, Thunder, Draco Meteor, Hurricane Slyveon: - Lvl 65 Moveset: Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball, Moonblast, Hyper beam Upon Trainer Winning: I knew you were the trainer I was waiting for. Upon Trainer Losing: I guess I will be stuck here to wait...forever. After Battle Dialogue: "I was right. Thank you. Thank you so much for returning the fire I thought died inside me long ago. Now I can go face him again. Take this." *Gives Abyss Badge* Eevee cries out again. "I see Eevee has taken a liking to you. She is the daughter of my slyveon. She has a love called Elemental Beam, odd thing is I never heard of that move before seeing her do it. Please, take her with my blessing." *Trainer obtains a lvl 10 Eevee.* And thats how it would go down if it were up to me!
  3. Hello. I am new here and just wanted to say hi to everyone.Are you guys talking about the new update?
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