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  1. Been off the forum for a few years but kept track of Reborn for awhile. Felt like I should come back a bit just to say thanks for all the hard work you've all done for this game. I've loved the concept of a difficult pokemon game and how reborn did its difficulty and as of now, it's one of the most polished fangames out there. From the postgame content allowing you to have a ridiculous amount of fun, how easy it is to get pokemon ready for fights, the spruced up early game and redistribution of pokemon, it's incredibly great and paints a very good impression mechanically. Growing up (been following the game since episode 13), it's nice to see a pokemon game that does end up being what I like at this age- a mechanically interesting, challenging game that has some storytelling aspects and characters i quite admire. While i feel with time, the mainline pokemon games aren't what I really want out of them, it's nice to see fangames like this take an interesting spin on the pokemon IP. Thanks for the fun and gruelling fights that made me go "hell yeah!" when i won and one of the most fun elite four and champion fights. Thanks for the story that despite being decried as edgy and dark at first glance, was a nice story about hope and healing. Good luck on your next project, Amethyst and the team. O7
  2. For your question regarding the designs of the player characters a possible explanation is that they were made to fit the world of Reborn. Take a look at their designs. The common colours are black, white and grey which meld quite well with most of Reborn. In the main games most of the regions are colorful and bright so most of the player characters dont look so out of place even when they had some weird designs. The game also doesn't try to be edgy. It manages to pull it off quite well in my opinion. The Reborn region itself quite a grim and dark place. The edginess doesn't feel forced or out of place. Alot of games emphasise on the violence aspect to achieve the darker feel. Those games really fall flat if they have nothing backing them up. Reborn rarely resorts to violent deaths to get a mature feeling. The story deals with more mature topics. To incorporate the story a similar world had to be made. Both story and world work together to provide an experience. All of this is my opinion. If you want to play the game for its boss fights and skip the story that's completely your choice but the story and gameplay work together to make reborn, well reborn. If you want to see a game trying hard to make itself edgy and fail epicly look no further than pokemom snakewood.
  3. I always had high expectations for the league episodes but i have mixed feelings about the kalos league. Heck they could just call this league the OHKO league with what Alain and Ash are doing. While I initially found the ash greninja thing cool i'm starting to get bored of it. It's starting to become infernape 2.0 which was the only thing that made me dislike DP which was otherwise fantastic. I doubt ash remembers he has other pokemon but the preview for the next episode does show hawlucha getting some action. Wish the guy that battled ash had a mega altaria. I mean mega pokemon fall before ash greninja. What made that guy believe he could take on that frog with a regular mon. Poor altaria. And trevor was kinda stupid. I mean mega charizard y with dragon tail. I wish he put up more of a fight. Jeez....this is probably gonna be the 2nd worst league if they dont up the quality in the next episodes.
  4. Sawk with counter works but i dont think it ohkos. Mukrow with prankster and perish song is probably the easiest though.
  5. Wow....pounce proved you wrong. And now you have a level 28 liepard.... Crazy stuff. Also after playing through a bit more of the game myself....well.. There's alot to look forward to.
  6. It's a close tie between route 10 in unova and route 15 in kalos. The music is amazing in both routes.
  7. Compared to the last episode I guess this was a little more productive at least story wise. Woobat will at least be alot more useful then noibat so overall you got it good. Looking forward to future updates.
  8. I don't know what's more annoying. Breeding for 5 IV Pokemon in Y or EV training all of those Pokemon.

  9. I first encountered the franchise via the anime when I was what 8 or something. Most of my class watched the anime so it was a big deal and stuff and like all boys my age I truly believed that charizard was the strongest Pokemon and could only be bested by mewtwo... Heck me and my classmates even had imaginary Pokemon battles as stupid as that sounds but that's where it began from. I didn't play the games until a few years or so since I didn't knew they existed but once my dad bought me Sapphire I never looked back.
  10. Trick Room eh? That's the sureFIRE way to beat Charlotte since she has nothing to counter it. The only problem with the strategy is setting the trick room up which thankfully you got of easily. I'm impressed. I'm also impressed by your ability to tolerate all those Horn Drill misses. What was the exact number of misses? I estimate 7 or 6.
  11. Fighting - Aura sphere cause it's lucario's signature move even though some other Pokemon like mewtwo can learn it. Psychic-luster purge. Sounds and looks ridiculously cool. Dark- night slash. Again really cool.
  12. Dark and steel. Honestly it describes me well enough.
  13. It's amazing how you cross the line and still manage to be so damn funny. I eagerly await in anticipation for the battle with Charlotte considering the history between you two... Also as mentioned before you could try and getting the event Pokemon from the waterfall since it could help you and regardless you would be back tracking back to the circus to get the HM for dive so why not? Plus I just want to see the interactions between that Pokemon and you. Another question for Mako-how does Mako feel about the battle with Charlotte or her in general?
  14. Welcome to Reborn. Enjoy your stay. Glad to know of you're enjoying the game.
  15. Zygarde 100% form will probably have stats similar to mega rayquaza since it's supposed to be able to beat both yveltal and xerneas. Both the new Pokemon revealed looked cute. I think the new Pokemon count will be similar to x and y featuring 70 to 80 new Pokemon and filling up the rest of the regional dex with old favorites. I don't mind the small amount of new Pokemon as long as all of them have some work put into their designs.
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