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9 Fledgling

About Frozenwolf94

  • Birthday 03/11/1994

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  • Location
    In the bottom of a frozen lake
  • Interests
    anime, video games (mostly RPGs)

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  1. are you on Mac or Windows? I'm on Windows so the security could be different on Mac
  2. just click and open the updater and it should give you an option to update the game to the current version
  3. Just to give you information on this since I just figured it out, it was most likly that the security on your computer was flagging the updater as harmful and prevented from adding it when you extrated the file. Basically go to your security settings and set the updater to be allowed on your computer.
  4. yeah It's completly random where the title is for it
  5. So first off I want to congratulate Ame and the dev team for finally getting this long project finished! I would have to say that when I started to play this game during Ep 15, I didn't think I would enjoy it but now Reborn is one of my fav fangames to play and only seeing the changes to early game up to the second gym is already amazing in both story, characters and the new designs of older areas. And even tho I don't talk in the discord server much for awhile the community here is still one of the fun ones I see when people are having discussions there. All in All I just want to say congrats on finishing this game and I hope you guys will have a bright future ahead!
  6. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  7. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  8. So I found a weird bug, it's the one that at times some mons will evolve when you add them to your party, like cubone or Lickitung for a couple examples, but i just found out it can happen to shadow mons as i just caught the shadow chinchou and after adding it to the party it instantly evolved
  9. So far I got up to the first gym and everything looks so nice and great job on the new art Ruby! I love the new blonde boy MC. Also since I saw the new starters, my question for Posty is why you picked those 5 mons to replace the original 5 and why did the three old ones stay? Just curious and just great work guys!
  10. IT HAS ARRIVED! As Mario would say "Let's a Go!" So hype to play this!
  11. From what I remember what The devs said is that story wise nothing change in the previous versions except 5 out of 8 of the starters being change, mons you can encounter and changes to important characters teams
  12. Ok so I thought of another fun question for Posty and Ruby. What mons would you like/want to get a mega? And what head canons do you guys have involving the characters before and after helping with development?
  13. The devs already confirm that there will be a speed up button in v5
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