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8 Fledgling

About Login

  • Birthday 03/16/2000

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    Hello there strangers... My name is Logintomylife but call me Login :D
    eeem some info about me: Im from Slovakia, im 15 years old, Im human....eeem thats pretty everythink what i can recall :D or there is some more info if u want be friend with me :D
    [What im doing in free time]:Playing games,Reading Fantasy,Playing Floorball/Football, Eating , Drinking, Breathink, eeeeem listening to music, Watching Anime...
    [Favorite food]: Bryndzové Halušky (English: Gnnochi with Sheep Cheese) :DDD like that english translation always got me xD
    [Favorite Animes]: Fairy Tail , and some others...
    [Favorite Pokemons]: Pyroar (Male) , Arcanine ,
    [Games imma playin]: League of legends , World of warcraft (PTR) , Pokemon Reborn , Counter strike 1.6 , Hearthstone ;
    (Sorry for my poor english ;.; )

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  1. Ten avatar... :D

    1. Login


      Psst No one knows!


  2. All hail the Amethyst *kneels proceeding to worship this godly being called Ame* All hail the Amethyst! *He yells as he touches the ground with his hands* I-I never knew I would get to see this moment... Bless your spirit o Great one... *He whispers lightly as tears poor down his cheeks*
  3. Ugh... Soo muuuch feelings! I-I cant wait to g-get to play this m-masterpiece of games! The powers... A-Are Unbearable! Oraaaaaaa! (Quick question... I cant pay through patreon... Buth what if I bought Ame some Blizzard game?)
  4. That feeling when you are creating Battle-Pet League in World of Warcraft RP server Lol!

  5. Was staring at my Phone and realized how cool would be if i had Pokemon Reborn on mobile and could play it ;.; there would be display of arrows and u could go through the text by simply tapping the screen, same for moves... how cool would it be...

    1. Combat


      Cool yes, difficult for the creators? Also yes.

    2. Wolfox


      no need to put Ame through hell for it yet

  6. Would recomend getting oddish (one of the best grass pokemon) from the top of the Hotel and u can get nidoran if u want... also recomend getting team that will cover most of the types advantage so get rock type too it will be really helpfull :] PS: Damn u look so manly >:/
  7. First of all recomend to go to your Pokemon Rejuvenation File go to File Fonts select all there and install it the game will look slightly better. With randomizer in selection room u can get random starter so go with that it will be better than picking
  8. I saw your profile from the history of reborn thing...I just want to tell you that gnocchi is amazing. :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Login


      Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt halušky s bryndzou po anglickyThe food im mentioning in Interests is this, the gnocchi in this is slightly different than Italian one and the sheep cheese isnt exactly melted sheep cheese but its special thingy made from it its so special that there isnt English word for it We call it Bryndza, and that on top of it is Fried beacon its extremely delicious and as i said my favorite food definitely try it if u ever have chance

    3. LykosHand


      Woah, honestly doesn't look bad, i really hope to have the opportunity to try it one day :D 

    4. Alphagar
  9. Try and find Reborn 15 there is place with bunch of old professors that will talk to you about history of reborn it was removed in Ep 16 so as i said u need to find someone who can give u EP 15
  10. Boy in the Past Gaeren there is boy who is asking u what type is fire good against should have give u leaf stone after right answer
  11. WHen u go out of Penthouse to find Venam Huey approach but he wont talk so i get stuck but if u doesnt see problem could u save outside the Penthouse for me pls? Thx for help
  12. Hello me again stuck in penthouse when i want go out Huey approach but dialoge doesnt come up please help ;.; Game.rxdata
  13. I want to ask when will be episode 17 but im scared that i will be disrespectful : o 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. HUEnd


      As @HongaarseBeer said, you should keep track on the Development Blog for infos about E17: http://www.rebornevo.com/index.php?/pr/development/

    3. Login


      Oooo so its already in progress of making i didn't know that is why i asked if i knew i wouldn't ask cos i know Ame is doing everything she can.  thx guys for answers : o 

    4. Wolfox


      NEVER ASK THIS! every time it IS asked it's delayed again by another month

  14. Stuck before BLue/Purple doors in VAlor mountain cant progress Game.rxdata
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