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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Houndoomsday

  1. Hello guys! I didn't want to make a new topic, so I thought I should just add on to this one. Im at Noel, and I have plenty of options, but I cant seem to beat him. I've gotten as far as Clefable Socrates/Meowstic-M Light Screen Reflect Misty Terrain (Wigglytuff) Psychic Hades/MIsmagus Perish Song Mystical Fire Shadow Ball Nasty Plot Hoodlum/Scrafty HJK Crunch Rock Climb Ice Punch Lt. Blue/RK9 Morning Sun Crunch Heat Wave X-Speed Possible Options Huge Power Medicham Golbat Sandslash Togekiss Vaporeon Furfro Ampharos Seel Huge Power Diggersby Houndoom Vileplume Grranbull Sharpedo Growlithe (RK9 Is special)
  2. So I just traded a Growlithe egg, and got a Togepi egg Is this good enough to replace Granbull?
  3. About to face KIki

    1. Anvilicious


      It's not Kiki you should fear, it's the monster that comes after...

    2. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Yes, the fight after her is difficult and near impossible without cheesing it, but that's what is supposed to happen.

  4. Hey guys! This is my first post/thread, so sorry if I mess up somewhere! So, I just talked to Kiki at the Training Grounds, and I want to know if my team is ready for her and onwards, along with any tips for her. My team consists of - Lv40 Houndoom / Mild / Flash Fire Feint Attack Fire Fang (Plan to replace with a special fire move) Thunder Fang Beat Up Lv40 Sandslash / Jolly / Sand Veil Magnitude (For doubles) Dig Slash Shadow Claw Lv39 Greninja / Hardy / Protean Round Lick Water Shuriken Smack Down Lv39 Persian / Rash / Unnerve Swift Power Gem Feint Attack Fake Out Lv41 Granbull / Timid / Quick Feet Bite Roar Headbutt Close Combat lv40 Meowstic-M / Adamant / Infiltrator Light Screen Reflect Psyshock Miracle Eye PC - Huge Power Meditite Primape Slugma Diggersby Pichu Carvahna Flaaffy Ponyta Shuppet Sorry if I mess up, first post :/
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