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6 Fledgling

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  1. Have you ever noticed how GF first tries a feature in a game before, and then just makes it a great symbol of the next game? The first time I noticed this was with the Amity Square in D/P/Pt: Only a few Pokémon could walk by your side and on a limited area. Then, one year later from Platinum, the remakes of Gold and Silver came out! HeartGold and SoulSilver brought with them the amazing and most missed feature in Pokémon: your Pokémon walking by your side. EVERY Pokémon had an overworld sprite to follow you in your adventure, and it was awesome. (They even had shiny sprites) The second thing starts in BW: Now every Pokémon has a constant in-battle animation! Different from the previous generations where the Pokémon just had some sprite changes when the trainer sends it out, and that was all. Again in BW: Some trainer had a 2D animation before they send out the Pokémon, but (iirc) this action was restricted to only Rivals, Alder and N. Then, in B2W2, ALL trainers had a 2D animation, including the leaders from the other regions who showed up in the PWT. -insert gif here- Later, in XY, they introduced us to a new feature: Riding Pokémon! But it was restricted to only Gogoat in Lumiose, AND YOU HAD TO PAY!!!!! Then, in SM, the wonderfully amazing PokéRide was introduced to get rid of the HMs (THANK GOD I PRAYED SO MUCH FOR THIS). Now you can call a Pokémon to smash rocks, search items, fly, surf and etc. The featured pokémon were: Tauros, Stoutland, Lapras, Sharpedo, Charizard, Mudsdale and Machamp. Recently, FILTHY hackers discovered something in the files of SM: Every Pokémon had a walking and running animation! This could be for the Poké Finder? Yes. But why would EVERY Pokémon have one? Yes, this was a cutted feature from Sun and Moon. The games are already a bit heavy for the 3DS, so this feature unfortunately didn't make it. Do you think that the next games will go to the NX to support this feature? What other "beta features" did you noticed?
  2. just bought one shot. better be worth it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shing


      A tasteful art style you have. And yeah, hair is frustrating sometimes to draw lol.

    3. Aerilate


      well, thank you! :))

    4. Garnet.


      i like it!! its very cute like ame said

  3. Platinum was my first Pokémon game, I loved it. While a child we don't have any sense of criticism, that's why Generation 4 is one of the best generations for me, but it is purely moved by nostalgia. I actually really like every pokémon design from Gen 4, and it's the only region where I like all the starters equally (Alola too, but that's not the case). Also, I don't remember anything story-wise about Sinnoh, I really need to replay Platinum someday. Anyway, the low speed of the game isn't really that much of a trouble for me, since it was my first contact with a Pokémon game and I had nothing to compare with. Today, I don't really play games for the gameplay itself, but for the story that they have to tell. Of course, I really enjoy playing, but I enjoy much more being mind-blowed by the great story that the game offers. So, if Gen 4 is going to receive a remake, I really hope that they improve the story and give more personality to the characters, in a way that they can be at least memorable.
  4. hey! can someone help me evolve my Slowpoke into Slowking in Pokémon Sun?

  5. Ok, i got the Mystery Egg yesterday and it shocked now. It's a Rhyhorn! :3 Looks like i don't need to find a Geodude anymore. I think i will close this topic soon, it doesn't have utility for me anymore, thanks again to all you guys who answered me.
  6. I like Swalot because Gulpin learns Toxic at Lv. 25. Who is super useful. But i don't have in mind to keep up much longer with him Can you explain that thing of "Mystery Egg"? How i get it?
  7. Thanks to all you guys, when i reach Aya, i'll post something or update the topic. Oh, one last question, is there a method for easy leveling up now where i am? (Actually going to Lapis)
  8. Yeah, and enter in a cave. So, after Aya, the next Gym Leader is Radomus?
  9. Oh ._. So, Aya is going to be more difficult than i thinked Anyway, i already catched Emolga, i'll train it too, thanks I thinked that Eevee is going to be in the Chrysolia Forest, i'll search more about him. The gangs that you mean are the Team Aqua and Team Magma in Lapis yeah? Where can i find Duskull? Shade's gym? I think i will prefer Shadow Punch, thanks anyway
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