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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by TheGoldenMudkip

  1. Good news: Able to work on my Bug run.

    Bad news: All the wifi in my city is shut down for some reason, and I'm posting this from my phone.


    I've started working on it a little bit, but I only had about an hour before thos happened.


    This basically means I can't work on it for now, until this problem is fixed.


    Sorry to anybody still following my run, hopefully this doesn't last too long.

  2. If anybody reads this, and is following my Bug monotype, I won't be able to work on it for a few days, pretty busy at the moment.

  3. TheGoldenMudkip's lowkey Bug type randomizer Chapter 4 Poison darts and broken hearts trying too hard to rhyme Hello ladies, gentlemen, and anything else you identify as, it is me, yes me, the one and only. I'm back with some more Pokemon Reborn, and today we'll be continuing our Bug (kinda) randomizer. Last time, we solved the problem in the Obsidia Ward, saved an Oshawott, and fought Florinia. This time, we'll be exterminating even more tentacle monsters, saving policemen, and fighting the next gym leader. And with that out of the way... Lets get roooooooiiiiight into the news. news: Now, with all of that out of the way. lets get started. We start off this chapter, helping out both the Jasper and Beryl wards, in a problem that was similar to Obsidia's. We backtrack to the Peridot Ward, where the gate to the Jasper Ward is. We enter the Jasper Ward after some help from a policeman, and things are already looking bad. The Jasper Ward has the exact same problem the Obsidia Ward did, except this has gotten much, much worse. We do some exploring, and as we get deeper into the ward, we start finding meteor grunts. Until eventually coming across a forest. We beat even more Meteor grunts, until coming across the Tangrowth.But of course, it wouldn't be left unguarded. Right when I thought he was a good guy VS Taka After we beat Taka, he gives us a subtle hint that he wants us to stop the PULSE machine in the Beryl Ward, so being the gullible protagonist that we are, we make our way there. There isn't much interesting going on in the Beryl Ward (destructive plants, terrorists, etc. nothing interesting) So, in order to have some excitement in my life, I decide to fall down the most obvious trap in the world. oh no we got trapped in a cage who would have ever expected this oh no After some waiting, our buddy Fern is here to help us out Hey Fern, you here to let me out? oh. We eventually get out of the cage, thanks to a certain Chatot, and continue through Rhodocrine Forest. After we make it out, we continue to fight Meteor grunts, and the PULSE Tangrowth is in sight. I would approach it but oh wait I forgot to do the policemen side quest so I gotta go do that. k done We approach the Tangrowth, and it appears we're outnumbered 1-3 (or 1-5 if you count all 3 of ZEL's minds) There's a mysterious man we don't know, who seems pretty edgy and is probably important. After a long and pretty edgy speech, a girl named Heather swoops in with her Salamence. (woah) In order to portect the PULSE, Taka and ZEL challenge us to a battle, while the mystery man challenges Heather. VS Taka and ZEL After we beat Taka and ZEL, they retreat, leaving the mystery man alone, but he also gets away. Or, he would have, if we didn't save some policemen. And while the mystery man's back is turned... The mystery man is revealed to be Corey, the Beryl Ward's Poison gym leader. Heather flies away on her Salamence, surprised that her father was evil. Corey escapes to his gym, apparently waiting for his apprehension. The police follow. We can't do much of anything else, so we do the same. We walk in, to find that all the policemen are in a trance, and we need to battle them to get them out of it. While I was doing that, this happened: After that, we have to figure out where Corey is. After messing with the pillars, a secret door opens, and Corey is inside the room it opens. We talk to him, and he explains how we ruined his plans, and will show us misery in the arena. Team for Corey: (Did a little bit of training beforehand) VS Corey After we beat Corey, he gives us a little more of that edge We head outside... thAT isN'T a vEry gOOD siGN. We'll be finding out what that means... in the next one... END Sorry this chapter took so long. (I assume 4 days is considered a long wait for these posts?) It was a combo of beating Corey and me procrastinating. Either way, I'll (hopefully) have the next one up in a couple days, because this next segment of the game is rather short. Also, if anybody has nicknames for Yanma or Shedinja, feel free to comment those. Team as of Chapter 4:
  4. Oops, forgot about Shedninja, I'll start using him in the next chapter.
  5. TheGoldenMudkip's lowkey Bug type randomizer Chapter 3 Street Sweeping Hey everybody, I'm back, with yet another Pokemon Reborn episode. Last time, we beat Julia and that was pretty much it, but don't worry, this one will be a lot longer. This time, we'll be investigating the Obsidia Ward, and see wus poppin there, and hopefully fighting Florinia (Whose name I've been spelling completely wrong up until now) Oh, also, I forgot to get my new team members last Chapter. I'll go do that now. After the new additions to the team, I say lets get roooiiight into it After beating Julia, Victoria is waiting for us outside her gym, and informs us of a crisis going on in the Obsidia Ward, so naturally, we go investigate. Florinia appears to be trying to access the ward as well, so we approach her. After we helped at the factory, she invites us along to help here too, and explains that the source of it all is most likely in Obsidia Park. We beat up various Street Rats, and cool kids, and then this happens. Continuing the story, we find Victoria, who seems to worried about the only path to get across the ward, The Slums. She describes it as a place where strange men randomly attack you, and that the debris is moving on it own, and asks us if we plan to go through The Slums. Well, me being a friendly individual just wanting to continue the story, I say yes. This is gonna happen a lot, so I may as well get used to it. VS Victoria After we beat Victoria, we have access to the Slums, allowing us to journey farther into the Obsidia Ward. After a series of even more Street Rats, a single Techie, and a Scraggy gang, we make our way out of the Slums. Once we make our way outside, it seems the way is being blocked by some policemen, so we have no choice but to take refuge in the Coral Ward for now. There isn't much to do here, nor are there many people even outside, but what's this? Is that what I think it is? holy fricc it's a unique sprite We talk to the blue-haired woman, and she explains to us that this certain Oshowatt is stuck over by that lighthouse. But that's when Cain shows up to save the day. Cain is about ready to leave, but Oshawott follows him Even after Cain rejects him, he still persists. (Sounds like me haHAA) The Oshawott finally gets his way, but it seems a jittery to Amaria. So, they figure that the best thing to do is let Oshawott battle versus me. Rematch VS Cain my feelings After we beat Cain, he heads off. Turns out Amaria is also supposed to be helping out with the Obsidia problem, so we both head north. We find Florinia and Amaria waiting near Obsidia Park, and we need to cut down some trees. But right as we enter the park, they get ambushed. I guess gym leader help is too convenient We walk in on a strange individual talking to themselves. It seems pretty weird until they reveal that they are simply 3 people combined, and they call themselves ZEL. They brag about their PULSE machine, which seems to supercharge a Pokemon's power, and challenge us to stop it. VS ZEL Afterwards, they retreat and it seems we are open to enter the Onyx ward and battle Florina. After a couple normal trainer battles, this happens: We enter the Onyx Ward, and it seems like the only thing interesting going on is at the school, so we go inside. We're greeted by our old buddy, Fern. After Fern has his little rant about us being bad, we make our way to the other side of the school to go inside. After a long series of trainer battles and quizzes, we're finally ready to fight Florinia, with no obstacles at all trying to get in our wa- loljustkiddingfernwantstofightus VS Fern Fern has had enough with our incredibly annoying antics, and he decides that he himself, the one true god, will sweep through the entirety of the Reborn league. Anyways, now we finally have access to Florinia's arena. We speak to Florinia, readying ourselves for our second Reborn league match. She makes a complicated speech but TLDR basically we're gonna lose lol VS Florinia Veniweed has evolved and is now known as Whirliweed. well, that's gonna be the end of this one, see ya'll next time where we'll be beating up the next gym leader aka Corey SEEYA. (Decided I'll be doing the random pokemon draws at the start of every chapter we beat a gym leader) Also, if anybody has any nickname suggestions for Anorith and/or Ninjask, feel free to suggest them, I can't come up with any puns/memes that would fit. TEAM AS OF CHAPTER 3:
  6. This is actually a type of run where I get a random pokemon from the website, but to limit myself I'm only getting one or two per gym, because 1. I want to keep the difficulty and not fighting a Magikarp instead of a Garchomp. 2. I'm honestly both too lazy and unknowing in how to randomize. And yes, I'm pretty sure Veniweed is Speed Boost, if not, I'm gonna have to get myself an Ability Capsule.
  7. TheGoldenMudkip's lowkey Bug randomizer Chapter Two tfw can't come up with a clever subtitle Hey everybody, what's up I'm back, with some hopefully improved writing and organization skills. This time we'll be fighting Julia, and not much else, because for now on I'm gonna try and organize my chapters based on gym battles. After doing some research on other people's runs, it seems that's the most common format. Continuing the last chapter, we were the victim of a terrorist attack, met some new friends, and proceeded to raid Team Meteor's base. We make our way back to the gym, in hopes that plot convenience won't stop us in our tracks again. Sure enough, we can freely enter the gym, and make our way through the not-so-tedious puzzle to reach Julia and battle her. VS Julia Victory first try, was about to lower my levels down to make it more challenging, but it seems if I did I would've lost, so ohwell. Would've made this one longer, but I want to get in the pattern of a gym battle every post, so next time, we'll be going through the Obsidia Ward, and battling Florina, see you then. Team as of Chapter 2:
  8. TheGoldenMudkip's low-key Bug randomizer Chapter One A shocking start wow thegoldenmudkip original title you got there Hey what's up I'm back hope you're having a great day because I sure am guess why because it's time for the first part of my bug lowkey randomizer are you exited because I sure am. Anyways, lets get right into it. We start off our adventure and I don't think this is a very good first impression Generally, being a victim of a terrorist attack doesn't make people want to stay in said place. We make our way to the Grand Hall, where we meet a girl named Victoria. We also meet somebody named Cain, who challenges us to a battle. (Not showing it here since we don't yet have access to the Sandbox, thus no bug mons) Afterwards, he takes us to heal our Pokemon, when Ame and Victoria come back. Victoria also proceeds to challenge us to a battle. (which I also won't be showing, because guesswhatboys we still can''t go to the sandbox) After all the shenanigans, like signing up for the league, we can finally go to the fabled Sandbox of legends... We randomize and grab 3 Pokemon. Afterwards, we leave the Grand Hall, where we are exposed to outside dangers such as this kid right here. After Fern has his little tantrum, we go our separate ways, but not before he makes a remark about our 0 gym badges. Maybe we should go work on that. Or of course we would, but the story seemingly prevents us from doing so. Julia informs us that the bomber at Grandview Station was caught, and it turns out he is working with a whole team, and they're planning on booming her gym. Wait--wasn't Fern talking about going to raid a factory?-oh no Sure enough, we make our way to the factory, and Julia is there waiting, she blows the door up, and then Fern and who seemingly is related to him show up. Fern approaches us, and gives us hope that he might not be so bad after all! We proceed inside. We destroy some people from the Terrorist organization--Team Meteor, and as we go deeper into the factory, we reach several roadblocks, namely this one. After more battles against Rock and Steel types my poor bugs we proceed to grab some explosives to blow up the door, and enter the "Boss Room" Florina ruins Julia's fun, and hacks in before the booms explode, but we proceed anyway. We find the boss of this operation, and he makes some speech about how we're not actually goodandandandandadndandand stuff nobody cares about. He orders his minions to take care of us, while he deals with Julia and Florina. VS Aster and Eclipse I did some training, and it's time for attempt #2 But before: This happened The Rematch VS Aster and Eclipse: At any rate, this was my first time making a detailed post on Reborn, and I gotta admit, I've been writing this since maybe 3 hours ago, everybody else doing this has got some real patience. Anyway, I'll pick up on this tomorrow, where we'll fight Julia. I'm just gonna pass out now. g'night.
  9. TheGoldenMudkip's neato low key Bug randomizer Hey whatsup, it's ya boi TheGoldenMudki- ohwait nobody knows me here because this is like my what, 4th post? Anyways, I'm gonna be doing a "low key Bug randomizer" for ya'll laddies today. "w8 thegodlenmodkip what does that mean!??!?!?" Well, basically, I'm gonna be pulling out a pokemon from this little website also known as https://randompokemon.com/, and then generate it in the game. The thing is, I won't be modifying any of the pokemon we fight, for example: Julia's Electrode. I will only be generating random Pokemon after certain points in the game. The Rules: Anways, I'll be posting the first thingo in a bit, so look forward to it. or dont
  10. Hi. My name is TheGoldenMudkip, and this is an introduction message... Not exactly good with these, but I'll try my best. I like to think I'm a pretty chill dude, sitting on my computer all the time. Anyways, I've just been chilling, staring at the forums, for like the past half year, and I figured I'd make an account. But only to realize I created an account during 2015, to which I said, "Yeah, that works." By now you can also tell I'm not a very organized person, based on how this post is so scattered and off-topic already. I honestly don't have all that much to say about myself, I'm just a typical internet introvert who people make fun of sometimes, to which I respond "klol" I like video games. Been playing Pokemon since I was a relatively young child, which is when my video game obsession sparked, and I guess you could say completely molded the person I am today. I thank the internet for hardening my personality, pretty much making me immune to any emotional feelings. (Well, the negative ones of course) Though I like to be apart of communities, I most of the time just abandon them after feeling completely irrelevant, though I'm quite sure that won't happen this time, since I've already read through many posts, and everybody is pretty nice here, which is a pretty rare sighting! Anyways, I'm going to spare you of any more reading, and end my post here. see ya nerds, later.
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