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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Juniper

  1. Welcome to the thread, Mr F o///o p-p-pleased to make your acquaintance... NOT IN A ROMANTIC WAY OR ANYTHING, B-BAKA!! .. Cactus-Chan?
  2. My music isn't trash? ;-; You don't have to lie to me to spare my feelings AAAAAAAAAA (thanks though c:)
  3. Welcome to reborn. I'm posting this everywhere else so,
  4. NEW SONG: Spider Dance Remix. Do I do too much undertale? Yes, quite likely. This one might come out a little quiet, I had problems with clipping because my PC literally could not run this song properly by Midi. Which sucks. so I recommend blasting up whatever speaker-like devices you have. BUT ANYWHO, Without further ado:
  5. Herpy derpday. I promise that on this bountiful day 9 months after your conception 17 years ago, I will not joke about stealing your boyfriend. Have a nice day
  6. For a moment I was like "Yes! I'm everyone else!" But then I was like "Oh, my name's actually on the list ;-;" I'm touched, truly T-T
  7. Anti-Stall Defensive Ubers Ghost Core: (I guess?) Anti-Stall core, I would consider it defensive, but to be used to its fullest extent against stall/defensive teams. I'm not awesome at team-building, but I think this core is pretty effective (It used to be ghost mono legal, but both have since been banned from ghost mono WTF, smogon?) So there's not really any place you can use this other than Ubers, and I'm not sure how it works out in that tier because I've never tried it. But the idea is that Sableye with magic bounce is only weak to one thing, fairy type attacks, which Aegis resists. Additionally, a SPDEF invested Shield form aegis will give 0 damns about moonblast or dazzling gleam, and then Smash fairies with Iron head. Meanwhile, Arguably Aegis' biggest weaknesses or taunt and will o wisp, both of which are reflected by magic bounce from M-sable How it works as an anti stall, is by Sableye having Calm mind, allowing it to get loads of spdef to resist fairy moves better and make it basically invincible to special attacks of other types and DEF investment to lessen physical damage, while also being immune to status moves from its ability. It also packs recover just in case you're in a pickle! Additionally, Aegis has Toxic for any tanks that sableye can't handle. But if your opponent is smart, they won't let you get x4 spdef and spatk, and they'll switch out to a physical mon and boost its attack, at which point, you can smash them with foul play. If they switch out to a fairy, you can switch to Aegis With its defenses in shield form, fairies attacking it will do almost nothing to it with STAB moves, causing the enemy to have to switch out in certain cases. This aegis set can even withstand an Earthquake from a banded, attack invested Granbull, even without any Physical Defense investment, just in case you opponent predicts your switch. Things that can synergise well with this core: Trick Room, as both of these are relatively slow, and sableye loses prankster when it mega-evolves An eviolite dusclops can pull this off pretty well and resist attacks that both Aegis and Sableye are weak to, through pure defensive stats, as well as also being slow enough to take advantage of TR. Tailwind: A strange and probably less-effective way to boost your priority (In the literal sense, not as in actually boosting priority bracket) Because these two are quite slow, this is less effective, however due to their bulk, they can withstand attacks from most high-speed threats, such as gengar and weavile, as well as being able to switch for coverage against scarfed opponents. As a tailwind used, Drifblim is an effective option as It can avoid damage from ground attacks completely (Which aegis is weak to) and clear ground hazards that would hinder your switching-coverage capabilities, such as spikes (and to some extent SR. Also, Sticky web is annoying if you're going Tailwind, so that's handy too.) What really gets the benefit from tailwind the most would be a chandelure, though, as it allows it to take a damage+ item, such as life orb, while still outspeeding opponents. I probably missed some points and this core is obsolete to some extent nowadays, with Aegis and Mega-sableye being banned from ghost monotype, but it was something I liked to use, so I figured I might as well share it.
  8. I was skipped? D: Am I not anime enough for you????? THIS IS MADNESS SCREW THE RULES, I HAVE YELLOW HAIR
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