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12 Fledgling


About VulpesDraconis

  • Birthday 06/12/1997

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

    1. VulpesDraconis
    2. LykosHand


      You're welcome!

  2. I feel like "ass" is an understatement considering it took me a whole month to make an animation that would have taken maybe half an hour tops in any other software. Working on the code is probably the best decision I made during development because now I can channel four years of suffering into fixing all the things that caused said suffering
  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  5. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  6. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

    1. Zarc


      happy birthday 🙂 

  7. The save files are stored in C:\Users\[USER]\Saved Games, with [USER] being whatever your computer's account name is. Each game should have a folder in there. Copy the files to the same place on your new computer and you can pick up from where you left off.
  8. You get to it from where the cave splits into the two outside areas. There's another exit in the bottom left of the map, but it's blocked by a crystal in the crystallised version of the map. If you can't reach it, use Earthquake/Bulldoze. Then in the room with the water switch the field back to Crystal Cavern with Power Gem and check the bottom of the map for a blue crystal to interact with. Then it's a straight shot to the TM.
  9. The guy is there on my save, and he still asks for a Sunkern. Sounds like this might be a bug or a save file error.
  10. Happy Birthday :D, i hope you will have a great day ^^

  11. I might have to start with that one then. Thanks for the advice
  12. Thanks, fellow dragon lover Fire Emblem's on my list of games to try out. I'm normally hesitant to try games with permadeath, since I feel extremely guilty if a character dies because of stupid choices on my part, and likely I'd either reset a million times or just stop playing, but from what I've heard some of the games let you turn that off, so I'll probably start off with one of those until I get the hang of it.
  13. So as you can probably tell from the title, I've had an account here for a while, but since I'm more of a lurker than anything I never made an intro post. I'm 19, I live in England, and I like video games (especially platformers and RPGs with fantasy elements), music (pretty much any genre), anime/manga (again, with fantasy elements), and dragons. I'm currently studying a game design course at uni, so maybe someday I'll get to work on an official Pokémon game, doing amazing things such as changing the hairstyle of a single sprite because for some reason there needs to be an extra spike in the western release. Looking at you, RSE Cooltrainer sprite. I found Pokémon Reborn last July, when I for some reason decided that browsing the video game nightmare fuel page on TVTropes at midnight was a good idea. The nightmare fuel page for Reborn was listed under the main Pokémon link. I looked through all the pages, and I found it interesting enough to try and proceeded to get hooked. I then realised I should have learned from my midnight terror escapades when I decided to go through Shade's gym for the first time at midnight and was so freaked out I forgot to save when I reached him and, being the stingy moneygrubber I am, I reset when he wiped the floor with me and had to go through the gym again. I'd actually lost interest in the Pokémon franchise around when X and Y came out after being a huge fan since I got Yellow in 2002, so it kind of feels like my love of Pokémon was reborn (get it? ...I'm so sorry) when I played this game. It's also gotten me more interested in fangames in general, since before this I think the only one I tried to play was called Pokémon Twilight or something. It crashed every time I opened it. I've started playing five other fangames since I beat Reborn's current episode, but I've only completed one so far. Now to go back to lurking.
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