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  1. Nope, the same messages from before. At least on my end.
  2. When ReploidZero is using the forum, you know something is up with the Showdown server. XD
  3. I really don't swing by the forum enough, especially for someone who's been here for 2 years now.

  4. Deviant monsters though, some of them are a royal pain the arse! I wasn't expecting Silverwind Nargacuga to not only inflict Bleed, but gain some sort of destructo disk-esque projectile slicer that it launched off it's own tail that inflicts Bleed.
  5. Hoping Atlantis can clutch this. ^.^ We've made an epic comeback from being the last place nation early on in this.
  6. Well it's more that I was caught off guard by the range of some of it's moves, I'm pretty sure Low rank Glavenus was able to one shot me with it's flaming tail slash thing that has massive range. XD Thankfully if you can Stagger it while it's about to do that move, (I.E when it's grinding it's hot tail in it's mouth) it'll fall over and also cause an explosion within it's own mouth too.
  7. See now I got the game on the release date, and yet I'm still sitting at HR 5 and low Rank Zinogre armor. xD But, I love Adept LS so far, and Adept LS doesn't have to worry about Tripping people as much either. Also while most monsters aren't too hard for me considering I have a few years of Monster Hunter under my belt, I will say one thing. I hate hunting the Glavenus. From it's constant side stepping, and turning around, to it's ridiculous range on it's tail swipes, and even if you topple it it'll be too far away to get a decent numbers of hits in. It's most vulnerable body parts are quite high off the ground, and for most of the fight your either attacking the legs and doing minimal damage, or hitting the face and hoping it doesn't side step immediately.
  8. I think my faith in Atlantis is finally restored.
  9. Probably a cliche answer here, but most likely a Gym Leader of some sorts. Or let's be honest if the Pokemon World was real, I'd honestly just want to travel and take on leagues. XD
  10. ...I just hope I'm not the only one hoping for Mega Butterfree, preferably a Special Attack version of MegaBee.
  11. And our uniforms are speedos too. So there's that. XD
  12. I'm gonna have to agree with Xiri, although Mde is also a good choice, Xiri will be one of our best players, so I nominate him as well.
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