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About Rex9999

  • Birthday August 10

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    Currently inside Charizard SEND HELP
  • Interests
    Pokemon, Games, Anime

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  1. Unsure if this question fits here but, I'm just wondering since E6 has the name of 'Reflections', were the previous episodes 1 - 5 also named and if so what were their names?
  2. I'm curious, assuming you named the other episodes, what were their names? Just wondering what the names of Episodes 1 - 5 were, on another note, I think I first saw this game when it only had either episode 2 or 3 i think, unsure if i ever saw it when it was only episode 1, don't even remember at this point, good that it's still going.
  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  5. Rex9999

    hi again

    Cool beans, i might be late to checking this news out but I might check that demo out.
  6. Hey thanks for the answers! Good to know that the prequel game will start us in our 8th to 10th win section of time i assume it wasn't you saying we start as a 8 to 10 year old in our journey to our first victory... although.. now that i think about it you said depending on the character chosen and itd be weird for the prequel game to start in the middle of our wins and to change which win we start in depending on which character we choose so it makes more sense for it to be 8 to 10 years old right? if not that it'd weird, itd be basically almost a different game depending on the character chosen since itd be different sections of time. btw when you make the different endings make sure they're marked good like at the very end you get a 'Ending 1: true ending' or something like that.
  7. So let me see if I understand this correctly, the game starts off with the scientist helping you out when the Organization appears and I guess protag didn't hide well enough cus we get captured and sent to the space station and THAT is where we start? Not what I imagined, I thought we were gonna wait a bit then leave the hiding place and take the region back, guess not, did i get this right? Questions insue: Did we get captured to stop us from destroying pokemon as we know (since, you know, we have that potential) or to CAUSE that to happen? Which leads to a sub question: what if it's like a scenario of full memory us was evil all along and the Organization was actually good? I can also imagine 2 different endings based on the choices you have made in the game one being that we in fact were evil all along and the Organization was good and another where we were good and the organization was in fact evil, which is a massive difference between the 2 endings but man would it be interesting if that was the case. Questions V2 I do assume the space station we start in isn't the first region and wherever we land the second right? I assume we start at the SS then we escape and land in wherever and THAT is the first region? Last of all is the prequel game that you already have planned going to be telling the story of the first time we became champions out of the 14? Which since we've won so many times I'm guessing surely we are in the mid 30s maybe? Finally truly last, I wonder how a sequel would follow up to this kind of story, there would have to be a true ending for the sequel to follow up on, either that or this game ends in a cliffhanger but I doubt that lol imagine.
  8. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  9. technically you can complete all gyms, if for example in the full game there is 6 gyms and you complete 6 gyms then technically yes you can complete all gyms just a small thing i wanted to point out. btw you got screenshots that show off some of the game?
  10. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  11. May the almighty Arceus have mercy on all of our souls.
  12. Rex9999


    See you all later, when you all perish from the pulse mons. Nuzlock? you mean feeding pulse mons time?
  13. yeah i get that, i just wanted to say that maybe technically it is possible, and also the thing about not being able to release pokemon and them being brought back with 1 hp i addressed that saying you just gotta remember to not use em, still if anyone would nuzlocke this game id hope itd be their 2nd playthrough that way they already knew the story and would just be doing it for the challenge because it definitely would be a challenge, just wanted to put this out here.
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