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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by TimTim

  1. Hello, i am back

  2. Happy birthday Xiri, have a blast man!
  3. Happy birthday Wendel, have a blast my friend!
  4. KonoSuba 2, Tales of Zestiria X 2 and Ao no exorcist 2, I havent picked up any new ones yet
  5. If you cant find it in Google app store, you can download it via QooApp, a third party host for Japanese/Korean games and the game is called Fate Grand Order (there is a simplified Chinese version now, ignore that if you want to play original one which is in Japanese, note that this game has not been globalized yet thus you will have to play in full Japanese, but the game mechanics is simple that you can just easily navigate through), and yes Fate Stay Night servants are featured in it. P.S. Damn Kyo rub me with your EX++ luck when I roll for Semiramis+Chiron in the future
  6. RIP George Michael

  7. Gen 1: Squirtle Gen 2: Totodile Gen 3: Treecko Gen 4: All of them as a set, cant choose one Gen 5: Oshawott Gen 6: Fennekin no doubt Gen 7: Tie between Popplio and Rowlet, if final evo definitely Primarina I am biased towards water starters as they tend to be cute in early stage and least weakness in final evo, Fennekin/Braixen/Delphox is an exception due to psychic type being my favourite type
  8. Paid guaranteed class gachas and Valentine rerun, apparently male servants are going to be added on Valentine event not just White Day
  9. What do you guys do for Christmas?

    1. Ironbound
    2. doombotmecha


      Work on the farm, sleep, hang out with family

  10. I don't know about anime or game canon, but in Adventure manga, it was stated that in order to become gym leaders, they have to take qualifying exams in the form of battles, Norman once held off on taking it due to the whole Ruby(one of the protagonists in Adventure manga) situations with Salamence
  11. RE 7 Japanese trailer 3scary5me

  12. For me, best to worst: DPPt > BW > GSC > SunMoon > RSE > XY > RBY 1. DPPt scores a win for me particularly in Platinum (which amended a lot of issues with DP) because of its featured villains and lores of the legendaries despite the lag issue, the wholesomeness of the three starters are also saving graces for me, Cynthia and Cyrus are both my favourite characters of Pokémon franchise, Sinnoh Underground was an interesting concept for fossil and evolutionary stone hunts. 2. BW has inarguably strong plots, introduction of interesting and charismatic characters such as N and Colress are pluses for me and pokemon introduced in gen 5 are still relevant even in current meta 3. The continuity between two regions started here. I also love the different means of transportations between two regions (transit train, S.S Aqua and your own flying pokemon) 4. A region with league in its early stage without a champion and kahunas in place of gym leaders definitely injects new life into pokemon franchise, it opens a whole lots of possibilities for the future of pokemon franchise 5. Gotta love Battle Frontiers and Steven 6. The few things I like about XY are the Pokémon Amie and mega evolutions 7. RBY fell flat when every gens after them had much more to offer, I really don't get first gen genwunners
  13. Merlin gacha is a separate gacha fro Quetz one though. Btw the raid ended sooner than I thought, I couldn't even farm my mats for loli Medusa...
  14. I am definitely going to field my favourite art team against Solomon, as for quartz, those are saved for other Apocrypha servants in case an Apocrypha crossover happens, all the fluffiness wont tempt me in the slight
  15. Hasn't been around lately and missed this, but happy belated birthday Zumi, here have more Oikawa for being an awesome person! http://pa1.narvii.com/5954/027082aae6e68c47ddef2e9cf377d4b47248d060_hq.gif
  16. Lucky you, 3 10 rolls and no sight of the tsun Gil, at least I np 3 bedi which was the only good thing that came out of this
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DRlHOAG3cw Babylonia chapter trailer, Caster Gil, loli Medusa, Merlin and Enkidu story-locked Semiramis
  18. Generally optimistic, but will have some bad days every once in a while
  19. Life is more of successes or failings?

    1. Alistair


      Depends on every individual I guess. But most successful men failed many times before succeeding.

    2. Ironbound


      Life by definition is a success. A protein that replicates itself more than it is destroyed, and therefore a thing that persists. If you ate alive, you are already a success.

  20. Gen 4 (Sinnoh for the most part, HGSS is a remake I am not going to touch upon that) for me is somewhere in between, I mean it has its flaws and strength, for me: Flaws: 1) Stale as it is as everyone said before, yeah gen 4 game lag is a bit of a turn off for me, not by much though 2) Seriously have you surfed in the game like taking forever to reach your destination, its a good thing Sinnoh doesn't have abundant water like in Hoenn 3) Graphics could have been a little better 4) Was not fan of Sinnoh Mount Coronet map Strengths: 1) I think we can all agree on Cynthia being the great champion, a full package, I always like a portrayal of strong female character in game 2) Sinnoh has best set of starters as a whole, I love all three of them and not every gens do that for me 3) Cyrus is badass boss with actual evil motivations when executed it is far more dangerous than any villainous team motives 4) Introduction of new evolutions to otherwise forgotten pokemons
  21. Brace yourself for incoming Ishtar Rin, design looks awesome and I don't even care if she turns out to be bad in gameplay(not likely as DW tends to powercreep waifus)
  22. Looking forward to new site, fresh start \o/
  23. Hush @ Life Orb Type: Dragon/Psychic Ability: Weak Armor Nature: Calm Moveset: Return (I will fight on your behalf if I like you) Draco Meteor (go all out or go home) Light Screen (time to protect the team) Psyshock (when my mind has manifested physically, that's what happen) Okay, this set does not make sense whatsoever but it fits my personality otherwise...
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