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Smooge last won the day on July 29 2022

Smooge had the most liked content!


64 Samaritan


About Smooge

  • Birthday 11/10/1997

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  1. Mod was very fun and i liked the difficulty. Looking forward to the next version!
  2. Regarding the random crash bug (assuming its unable to be fixed in time), is an autosave feature out of the question? I think it would help minimize the impact of such a bug!
  3. Well its been a while since I posted here x) Come e19, im going to be doing a full rework of this mod. To be honest im not really happy with how it turned out in e18 because i kind of rushed towards the end and i didnt finish many of the things i wanted, but after e19 i wont have to worry about updating it anymore so i will go all out and take my time with it. I feel as if the goal of replay value was missed when i made this mod so i definitely want to fix that before releasing again!
  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  5. just tried with a seeded randomizer on a clean savefile, still randomizing after closing the game tried twice more on new save files and it still does it EDIT: downloaded the new one, and got this error after the first randomization https://prnt.sc/1slo34k
  6. probably an oversight on my part im glad you enjoy it, im currently working on rejuvenation extreme, which im taking a bit of a different approach to compared to reborn
  7. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  8. I've started working on Rejuvenation Extreme, it will include gen 8 and will be released sometime after v13. I've learned a lot since the release of Reborn Extreme so I'm convinced that this will be a much better version of the mod, and then once E19 releases I can finally fix all the problems Reborn Extreme had. Regarding progress, all gen 8 pokemon have already been buffed and I've already started doing trainers, I'm up to Valor mountain.
  9. I am SUPER late, but yes, it should work.
  10. hihihi do u know how to work this on a chromebook i rly wanna play it pls if u want pls help me

  11. oops. apparently i can't count, the correct answer is 745. my bad
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