Okay so we have responses of people who live in the country of the argument, people who live in countries that are better (In a way) because that argument isn't even had, so how about we have an opinion of someone who lives in a country where the argument is totally accepted and gun owning is a right in its constitution? so here goes:
Hey, you want an example of what might happen if you don't have as many restrictions on Gun Control?. Look no further, we're right here. your southern neighbors the Mexicans! (You know those who you keep calling criminals unintelligent and all of that) (I'm generalizing and in no way believe that all Americans are like that btw) (And not all of us are criminals please understand). We have a high level of crime, are afraid of going out alone (especially at night), are at risk of getting shot in a public space and the criminal getting away with it, etc. So like a lot of people, if not all who have replied to your post, I disagree with your opinion on gun control (Mostly from experience). Gun control doesn't mean banning it means regulating who can and can't possess a gun. While it can be said that people are more defenseless against someone with a gun, the law actually also hinders criminals in the process of getting guns easily, and of getting caught in the act of trying.
As for the bathroom thing, I don't really care (Mostly because that isn't an issue over here at the moment) but I'm going to quote Neo:
Also, do you really think someone who isn't trans would go through all of the procedures to become a woman/man just to enter a bathroom and rape someone?. Some would, maybe, but the fact you're assuming that everyone would do it reflects your knowledge on trans people.
Lastly, you could use the fact that people have used that defence on court you can just replace the trans thing with, like, I don't know saying that a crime isn't their fault because they or the victims were under the effect of some substance?.
But like everyone else I think Ame has done the best job of explaining without going into a rant.
EDIT: If you were trying to ask what Kurotsune is saying then my opinion is this: there shouldn't even be a scale we should just call them opinions.
P.S. Sorry for any grammatical errors Spanish is my native language.