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About DroppingDracos

  • Birthday 08/16/1999

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  3. Currently, I was working on the Skyway puzzle within the pyramid as a part of the main story. Started off completely fine, however, when I reached a certain point, I can no longer use any key to switch characters. I remain stuck as the Main Character, with nowhere to go. I've tried multiple different methods to solve this, but to no avail. Please, help me out! I love this game and would be devastated if this bug prevented me from being able to play the game. Game.rxdata
  4. just going to give this a bump, I'm now experiencing the exact same issue in the exact same spot inside of the pyramid. game works fine except I can't control Ren nor Aelita, and the A key won't let me switch. is there anyone that can help me resolve this issue?
  5. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  6. I get the same problem as I did last time. I'm not quite sure how to progress with the story because of these issues :[
  7. Welp apparently my game hates me..... PLEASE HELP ME. Game.rxdata
  8. just had to rename it, and it now works. thanks so much!
  9. I tried replacing my old rxdatat with this, and got no save file and essentially a new game. when I put both rxdata in my saved games folder, I'm back to being stuck. what should I do?
  10. Recently updated from E8.1 to E10, and I now am stuck on the train in a black space without being able to move. I can access my pokemon, pokedex, and all that, and I can even see part of the actual map. If someone could lend me a hand, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks! Game.rxdata
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