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Lugruf last won the day on July 31 2016

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50 Samaritan

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  1. I find funny how the word "republican" in Spain and in the US has a radically different meaning.

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    2. HongaarseBeer


      @Tartar I believe there have been several scandals involving members of the monarchy, mostly concerning taxes and money

    3. Lugruf


      Well, first of all the concept of monarchy is archaic and opposite to democracy. Citizens should be able to choose the head of state in democratic elections, instead of being a position that's inherited. Second, the king Juan Carlos I was chosen by the dictator Francisco Franco. Third, the royal family is a huge expense in the national budget that only benefits them and doesn't contribute at all to the citizens. Fourth, there's a ton of scandals and cases of corruption that involve the royal family, like the one of the elephant just to give an example.


      Fifth, with the "ley mordaza" approved in 2015, you can go to jail or have to pay an absurd fine for things like joking about the royal family in social media.


    4. Tartar


      Okay, that sounds terrible, and a good reason behind wanting it gone. I guess Denmark should count itself lucky that the main players of the danish monarchy are such model citizens because otherwise, I'd probably feel the same as you. 

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