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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Lugruf

  1. My grandma's canary. Picture by my sister


    1. Spineblade


      *gasp* Great bird!

  2. Fire Emblem Heroes makes so much sense if you imagine all characters are children playing in the playground.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tartar


      You basically described the plot of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

    3. Cepheus


      With the exception that in FFTA it is a magical world of imagination, that replaces reality in itself, and not a playground :P

      and people can die (in those lawless areas) and they are not battling using RPS

    4. Wolfox


      might also explain why (I'm not certain of this) you could potentially use both Odin and Owain

  3. University is that period when you have more games you want to play than time to play them. I sometimes miss high school :[

    1. Xiri


      I even miss university :[

  4. Checkmate Nintendo!


    1. Wolfox


      Game set and match I would say

  5. Lugruf

    New Member

    Welcome to Reborn!
  6. tfw my phone doesn't have enough RAM to run FE heroes :[

  7. Long time no see Micky! How's everything?
  8. Gameplay programming is boring as hell :[

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lugruf


      C++. I hardly ever program in C anymore.

    3. Lugruf


      The thing's that I would like to be building data structures and algorithms and that sort of cool stuff right now, not gameplay

    4. The Grinch
  9. I killed intellisense! Yay!

  10. I'm going to implement my own tuple in C++ to kill the afternon. What can possibly go wrong?

    1. Dragon116


      Why do you want to kill yourself so much? It make much more sense to write it in assembly.

    2. Lugruf


      Quite surprisingly it was not that hard

    3. Dragon116


      How many eyeballs did you lose?


  11. tfw the computer crashes when trying doing the most trivial task like creating a folder

  12. If you are in windows, go to "C:/Users/[username]/Saved games/Pokemon Rejuvenation". Your save file is the file called Game.rxdata. just copy it to a flash drive or upload it to a cloud and move it to the same file of the other computer. If you're in another OS I have no idea of how save files work.
  13. That's absurd. Why should there be a dlc? Why not just put all the content directly in the main game? If you're releasing your game in a format in which updates are a thing (and this is the case in Reborn) the idea of any sort of dlc or additional content for the game doesn't make sense. That new content can jist be added in an update and it would make things easier for everybody. Besides, this sort of gift content which would be available only for part of the players (the ones who took part in the event) would feel unfair for the rest of the players who wouldn't have access to it.
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