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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Lugruf

  1. Bad luck, Mockingbird I predict Micky
  2. I could ruin your prediction by not posting now. Wait... Shit Bibs?
  3. I'm an expert at ruining things Bibs, you can't compete with me Isa?
  4. I meant killing a mockingbird Anstane?
  5. Welcome to Reborn fellow commander player! May the almighty Maelstrom Wanderer be with you.
  6. Everything I did I did it for the lols
  7. What if your cat doesn't feel like she's a cat. What if inside she feels she's a dog and you're oppressing her by calling her "cat". Why can't your cat be free to choose her species? Stop assuming the species of your pet!
  8. Getting started with boost looks like a good plan for this afternoon

  9. Considering that its breath smells like cat food, I would say it does eat food
  10. Welcone to the Onyx arcade Viri Is Magneton better than Magnezone?
  11. Is her a toad? As far as I know, this technique only works for toads.
  12. I like singing but the rest of the world doesn't want me to sing Would you like to live abroad? Only stickmen. Not even copying things. I win
  13. A 2D game in C++ from scratch (no pre-built engine like Unity or Unreal) for my game class. I also have some personal side projects like a template metaprogramming library I'm building in order to learn metaprogramming and functional programming. Divergent?
  14. Is it a yes if I'm already making a game? Are you going to answer "no" to this question?
  15. I'm the real programmer here. The rest are all noobs Bibs
  16. That sounds cool. Good luck with your bird themed games Micky?
  17. There are so many games that chosing one is impossible for me. To say some, Pokemon Reborn, Portal 1 and Ori and the blind forest.
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