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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Lugruf

  1. I've read that Magnezone is supposed to be a very good pokemon to play in Reborn so I was looking for a good set for it. What ability should I use, and what coverage moves? Is there a way of having a playable Magnezone without breeding HP?
  2. Presentation today

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mde2001


      Good luck!

    3. Lugruf


      We were presenting the final version of the project of this semester: our videogame. It went pretty well, I'm happy

    4. pbood2


      Sounds interesting and fun so I'm glad it went well for you hopefully. :)

  3. tfw one day before the final presentation your project crashes and bugs appear everywhere

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Wooooo! programming!

    2. laggless01


      tfw the final presentation crashes when you're starting it up to present it.

    3. Lugruf


      I've seen it. Luckily it wasn't mine

  4. I've just seen Lindsey Stirling has announced a new album for this summer. Hype over 9000

  5. It's actually much safer than what people think. I've done it like millions of times to trigger events, catch pokemon, get items, breed TMs... And my save file got corrupted only once. There's no risk at all as long as you keep a backup of the file.
  6. Good news everyone! A new member has joined our community. Hooray!
  7. Nope, there's a single Absol. You can only have 2 life orbs this far
  8. Gold milestone this Friday. We have to present the final project in three days! I'm dying!

  9. Hello fellow Rebornians! I'm here to talk to you about Dynasty feud by Kaia Studios. A group of five graduates of my university created their own indie game and uploaded it to Steam. It's in greenlight now, if you want to take a look at it. I've taken part in several stages of the playtesting ans it's pretty good actually. The thing's that the publicity they've done is close to nothing and nobody knows about the game, so some classmates are posting the game everywhere for people to know it. I place here the link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=665864068 Oh, and you can be a cactus!
  10. Offensive eviolite? Boosts by50% attack and special attack for non fully evolved pokemon. Probably not the best item ever but it would be fun to play.
  11. It's hard to say. I'm thinking on Shedinja because I'm hard to damage, but when I do get hit, it hurts hard. Nature lonely probably, and IVs 31 0 31 0 31 0 because I love irony and sarcasm, so what better than a Shedinja with 31 in all deffensive stats?
  12. The library in insurgence has in the place where more puns per square meter ever

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. RainbowHugs


      Puns... No...

    3. Lugruf


      Why not? Puns are love, puns are life.

    4. Lupo


      There's also that horrifying book about dubbed anime and how it's not as bad as one would think

  13. My Musharna and Chesnaught. They are with me since the very beginning and they defeated Mewtwo and Arceus.
  14. Does anyone know anything about RainbowHugs? I have just read her status and the 100 answers and I'm very worried.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. pbood2


      I read that status with 100 comments too and it sucks she feels that way but she's still alive and around because she's online currently so that's a good sign. :)

    3. laggless01


      It's difficult to know how to act when you have so little information...I can't say if our community handled it commendably, or if we were slightly naive.

      Nevertheless, I hope she's alright...

    4. Vilvana


      I am just wondering, is this a true fact that she wants to suicide? I just read her 100 cment status and is really worried....help

  15. It's a great idea and I love it. A wiki is a much better place than the forum to look for information about the game than the forum, where finding what you need is not that straightforward. I would probably enter the wiki once in a while and help adding some page or missing info, but I don't think I'll have time to be really active. University takes too much time from me.
  16. Hello Nin! Welcome to Reborn! Hope you like the forum.
  17. How does the group work in the forum? What's the difference between a member, a familiar, an ace member...?

    1. Omega_Ra1der


      each level have their own benefits. Aces have the most inbox and image upload space.

    2. Nova


      Familiars have been on the forums for a certain amount of time and can apply for Ace membership. Ace members get a few small perks and a private, secret forum, but you have to have a certain post count, account age, and have to pay a hefty fee in Rupees to apply. Members are just everyone else.

    3. Neo


      Aces are a bunch of shitters.

  18. I believe in Magic: The Gathering. Does that count?
  19. Everything from Vetusta Morla. Today I listened to their whole discography.
  20. Hello Hank. Welcome to Reborn. If you want a new soul I think someone has a form you can fill, but I forgot who. Just ask around and I guess someone will eventually give you one. You should get your new soul in six to eight weeks. Well, jokes aside, welcome to Reborn! I hope you like the forum! By the way, I'm looking for someone with a Froakie to trade. Take a look to the trading thread if you want, and should I have something you still don't, just ask for it. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11523
  21. Welcome to Reborn Dante! Hope you like the forum.
  22. The trading thread is a bit slow lately so I'll say it here: anyone's got a spare Froakie or Bulbasaur?

    1. dead account

      dead account

      In Reborn or official pokemon? Because if it's the latter, I think I have more Froakies than I know what to do with.

    2. Lugruf
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