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Everything posted by Lugruf

  1. There you go Edit: Oops, didn't see your post
  2. You're right. Episode 12 had a weird mixture of gen 5 and 6 mechanics, and breeding is 5th gen. Also you should always try to save in pokemon centers to avoid save file corruptions and always save backups.
  3. Look my signature. Take them all.
  4. Lugruf


    Hello Mike and welcome to the forum! Happy to know more lazy and completely messy people.
  5. Huge power, pure power, contrary, aerilate and some other abilities are banned
  6. It was more a joke than anything else. You look great in that picture.
  7. So, I've started playing Almost Any Ability with a classmate for fun and I'm looking for crazy, funny, gimmicky ideas to play against him. This are things I've tried this far. Some are more original than others. As you can see some of them (Clefable, Lopunny) are just OU sets with different abilities, and I would like to change them for more original stuff. So just propose ideas. I'll try to play as many of them as I can. They don't necessarily need to be good, as long as they are fun to play. I love anything with Trick or Baton Pass btw,
  8. Lugruf

    Hey yo

    Welcome to Reborn Aureant! This forum is a great place and the community is nice so I hope you enjoy your stay.
  9. I wasn't going to post this initially due to the fact that the book is in Spanish and not translated. However, some people encouraged me to do so and well, here I go. La chica de Los Planetas - Holden Centeno (The author's nickname, literally Holden Rye, is a reference to the Catcher in the rye's Holden Caulfield.) La chica de Los Planetas is a beautiful and heartbreaking love story where the author narrates his relationship with a girl. The girl is refered to as chica de Los Planetas (girl of the planets) or other nicknames to keep her anonymous. So, what's special about this book? Why should I read this instead of any other of the dull love stories that flood our book stores nowadays? Well, the book is written in first person, in a Catcher of the rye-ish style that catches the reader and makes him feel very close to the protagonist. The reader lives every up and down in their relationship, from the falling in love and the first overly sweet weeks when everything's happiness to the doubts and arguements, to every time they break up and come back. It's important too the fact that the story really happened, so the character's are round and act like humans. One of the main problems I find with certain stories is that they're not believable because of how the characters act and talk, because dialogue looks too forced instead of a real conversation you could have with a real person. Here, it doesn't happen at all. Throughout the story the protagonist will also mention lots of books and music bands, so the book is also a good chance to disscover some music you might have not heard and books you haven't read. In general, if you want a beautiful love story that can catch you and make you believe that there's hope and love exists, read this book. Then, if you want to cry with the hard moments, estrangement and the end of a beautiful relationship, you can read the second part.
  10. It's a real pity "La chica de Los Planetas" is not translated to other languages.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ironbound


      That seems to be too much subdivision. Granted, I have as much appreciation for romance as a calculator, but even so, I encourage you to post it in the thread nevertheless.

    3. Cobalt996


      Post it; I won't read it due to lack of interest, but you'll make someone's day, most like.

    4. Lugruf
  11. Here it goes, one of my favorites ever. A song of ice and fire by George R. R. Martin A song of ice and fire is a series of five books (and other two not written yet) which you probably know for the TV series Game of thrones, that supposed an inflexion point in the way I understand literature. There are two main differences with the rest of fantastic novels: In AGOT there are no protagonists, and there’s no “good” and “evil”. Each chapter of the books is told from the perspective of a character, so you get to know the viewpoints of all of the parts in the conflict. This way, there’s no “good” and “evil” as I mentioned before, but different sides with their own interests and ideas. Besides, there’s not a central character who you know that will survive until the end of the story. Anyone can die at any moment, no matter the importance it has had up to that point. For the ones sensitive about these topics, there are several sexually explicit and violent scenes throughout the five books. It’s not as frequent as in the TV series, where this was magnified to the absurd because boobs are the best way to sell your product nowadays, but still there are some. In general, the books tell a great story with well built characters and a very rich world. They are also a nice conversation topic if you have friends who have read them, as there are still two books that haven’t been written and there’s lots to speculate about. Finally, it provides this change to the way we have always written fantasy that I consider that needs to be mentioned. It should go into fantasy I guess.
  12. Looks like this thread is going to make my ever growing list of books to read go out of bonds. I love the idea and I'll try to add some reviews of things I've read whenever I find something I really want to share.
  13. When naming my pokemon I'm like the least original person ever, so I end up naming them after some anecdotes in the game (my Chesnaught is called "God slayer" because he killed Arceus for example, or Musharna "OP pls nerf" after defeating Mewtwo in the glitch field). Sometimes I also name them after songs or albums. "Kill 'em all" sounded appropriate for a modest adaptability hyper beam Porygon-Z. The thing's that most of my mons have no name because they haven't done anything special yet and I haven't found a song or album. So I'm curious. Why do you name your pokemon the way you do?
  14. There's a limit of files you can upload per profile. i had the same problem recently and had to delete the oldest ones. You can manage your uploaded files in your profile -> edit my profile -> manage attachments
  15. It looks great. I can't download them from drive though. I says I don't have access to the folder.
  16. Lugruf


    Welcome to the forum Xon!
  17. Before starting with the feedback, where is this team supposed to be played? Is it for Reborn or a similar story mode game, or for competitive?
  18. I'm trying to upload a save file but it keeps failing. Any idea?

    1. Fumble


      Go to your "edit my profile," then go to "manage attachments," and clear your attachments?

    2. Lugruf


      Thank you. It worked

    3. Juniper



  19. After you defeat Shelly (or Shade, I'm not sure) there should be farming trainers inside the Great Hall. You can fight them as many times as you want.
  20. It's like a million years we don't get dev news from Ame

    1. mde2001


      Ame is just busy. She'll give you news when she has something worth showing/ time to show it.

    2. Maelstrom


      The passive-aggressiveness is real.

    3. Felicity


      actually you do, every time the status bar for ep 16 is updated. It's not much but it IS news.

  21. Great! Now the only thing I need is a shiny Fennekin
  22. I love them. I think I will use them to replace the default in my Pokemon Reborn.
  23. I had some corrupted files in the OS and I my computer completely stopped working. I had to revert to Windows 8 (and you don't know how much i hate W8), and all of my programs have been uninstalled.

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