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Everything posted by Lugruf

  1. I don't really like your Cresselia. You're playing a calm mind set with lum berry, which is supposed to be a sweeper, but then you have toxic, all of your evs go in defense, and your only offensive move is HP fire. I would change either hp fire or toxic for psyshock, as it gets a stab and so hits much harder, and in case you decide to run toxic, I would use leftovers instead of lum berry.
  2. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  3. I have 7 badges. I've just defeated Groudon, Aelita is in coma and Tommen (the meteor grunt) has vanished for I don't know what reason. I can't find the Eldest or Aelita anywhere, and I've tried to go to the frozen town to thaw the frozen TM shop but the magma stone doesn't work. Where do I have to go now?
  4. Dragon Dance. In most cases gives you enough speed to outspeed almost everything and enough damage to OHKO them, all in a single move.
  5. Is it correct to edit my save file to change the nature of a pokemon and then throw away a Heart scale to avoid wasting time soft reseting in the psychologist?

    1. Voctrode


      it's what i do tbh

    2. dragoniteborntacoz


      i believe amethyst has said she doesnt care how people play her game even if they cheat as long as they enjoy it

  6. Actually, if you change your computer time the time in the game will change. Bear that in mind if you need to force a certain daytime or weather for some wild pokemon or event.
  7. For me they were Serra's Abomasnow and Charlotte's Typlosion. Fortunatelly both have been already removed. In E15 I had nightmares with Corey's Crobat.
  8. Wild shiny Beldum. Hope i catch it before it struggles itself to death

  9. PM me with your save file I'll solve it
  10. For Spiritomb, it doesn't really make sense to have both Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse as they have the same super effective coverage. Maybe Psyquic as a coverage move could be better. For Breloom, try Mach Punch instead of Sky Uppercut. Breloom is not too fast, so priority comes in handy, and with technician it hits very hard. Also Bullet Seed hits harder than Seed Bomb almost always if you're running technician.
  11. I PMed you with the answer because I'm not sure I can talk about cheating in a forum post. Just in case.
  12. I think that Growlithe is always female to let the player get the mystery egg always. Remember that Ditto is not available until seventh street.
  13. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?s=aab1f5f12007dddbc903f6f424dfd321&showtopic=20027 This question was asked just two topics ago. There should be all the instructions.
  14. I did a bunch of batch files to automatize it, but still it would be nice to have it implemented on the game itself.
  15. Speed is usually considered the most important stat for effensive pokemon bacause two offensive pokemon are likely to OHKO each other, so the first attacking will be the one that wins. The thing woth HP is that it increases your bulk against both physical and special attackers, while defense is only useful against physical attackers and special defense against special. The difference between attack / special attack and the corresponding defenses is that physical attacks Pokemon with pickup have a 10% chance to generate a random item after a battle. They don't need to fight. The more pokemon you have the more items you generate. This pickup table shows what items a pokemon can generate and the chance to do so according to its level. I use 5 level 31 Phanpys. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/pickup.html
  16. Yes, the perfect pokemon has usually 31 IVs in all stats (except gyro ball users, which usually carry 0 in speed to increase damage, and other minor exceptions), but as you said the chances of finding perfect IVs are remote so you just conform with whatever you got (unless you know what you are doing and you want to spend a good time breeding).EVs are normally farmed. Usually you want to get 252 EVs in the two most important stats of your pokemon. For beginners, offensive pokemon usually carry 252 in speed and one of the attack stats, while defensive pokemon use 252 in hp and one of the defenses. There are some items, called the power items (power band, lens, anklet, belt, weight and another one I don' remember now). You can buy on the third or fourth (not sure) floor of the dept store and make the pokemon it has the item get EVs faster. 4 EVs of the type of the item per pokemon killed plus the original EVs the pokemon gave. Then you go to peridot and kill as many Grimmers or Noibats you need (Grimmers give health, Noibats give speed) to get your perfect EVs. It's tedious but you'll notice it, especially on speed. As a last advice, take 5 pokemon with pickup with you while you farm EVs, you'll get lots of useful things.
  17. IVs are the individual values of the pokemon. They are the second of those two columns. They range from 0 to 31 and increase the stat with the following formula: IV * level / 100. This means that at level 100 31 IVs in speed for example give +31 to the pokemon's speed. They are random for the pokemon, got when you find them on the wild or when hatching (though some are inherited) and can't be changed. 31 IVs are considered perfect IVs while 0 is the worst you can have. EVs or effort values are got by defeating other pokemon. For example, an Absol will give you 2 attack EVs or a Grimmer will give you 1 health EV. They range from 0 to 252, and a pokemon can't have more than 510 total EVs. The formula is EV * level / 4 * 100, meaning that at level 100 you get 1 point in the stat for every 4 EVs of that type. Hope it helps understaning them, you can check Bulbapedia if you have more doubts. Jolly / Timid 252 speed is a maximum speed mon btw ------------------------------------------------- About how to defeat Ciel, when I have problems with a boss I try to force a situation where I can setup freely, (paralize, leech seeds, sleep, accuracy, whatever I need) get six calm minds for example, and then sweep the whole enemy team. The problem is that you don't have many pokemon that can set up. You have Bisharp with access to swords dance, but it's too slow and most of her team can OHKO it or damage it severely. Besides it doesn't learn Sucker punch by leveling. You can try with the ice and electric types, but if I were you, I would have a couple of pokemon with access to set up moves for these cases.
  18. Shedinja. Same ability, same 1 hp but playable stats.
  19. I have 5 badges. I just came from the jungle to Gearen and Melia asked me to find Venam, but I have no idea of where she is. She's not in her gym nor in hte sewers. Any clue?
  20. Where can I look the power, accuracy and effects of the leader's signature moves?
  21. With burning I meant burning the field, not the pokemons. Field + Flash Fire boasted my fire attacks to over 9000 and I wrecked most of Noel's pokemon this way.
  22. Or you can just burn them. Burn them all! I was using double fire type back then because of Serra, so with the burning field the fight was much easier, and I unlocked new dialogue after the battle. Something about Charlotte and the scars in her face. Oh, and I also pp stalled Clefable so it killed itself using struggle.
  23. I had been warned by the guy who introduced me to Reborn that the game was hard so it didn't catch me by surprise. Julia swept me several times however since I discovered the way to beat her. Oh, and Corey has been the hardest battle in Reborn so far for me. I got stucked there forever. The game gets easier though the better you get at understanding the other's strategy and preparing your own. I actually haven't had real trouble with any fight past Corey.
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