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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Lugruf

  1. So I came across a shiny Carbink and it looked cool so I captured it. Someone has any idea of how a Carbink could be useful in story mode?
  2. I'm in university so um... sleeping I guess. You don't get much of it during the rest of the week.
  3. There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.

  4. Started Rejuv in hardcore today and killed a weird giant Mega Gyarados. This game looks cool.

    1. Spineblade


      I was thinking of starting a game in it. Do you think I should?

    2. Lugruf


      I still prefer Reborn but Rejuv is nice too. Give it a try, that's the best way to know.

  5. I like the atmosphere Peridot gives to the beginning of the game, as it feels like the game is shouting at you: "Hey, this is not another normal Pokemon game!"
  6. Hey, where's the save file in Mac? I use windows but I have a friend using mac looking for her save file and can't find it. Any help?
  7. I'm not sure. According to your descriptions the only one missing is in one of these two houses. I don't think the event can disappear, even more knowing that this is the mystery egg event which is probably one of the most important in the game, but maybe it does.
  8. Oh, then that's the one in the building of the broken lift (or maybe the one next to it). After you enter the forest in Jasper, if you go up there is a second way back to the ward. There are two houses there, that can only be accessed through the forest this way. One has a policeman and the other a sticker event I think.
  9. The last one should be inside a house just before the fight against Taka and Zel. He is cornered by a grunt and you fight against him.
  10. Welcome to the forum Yanez. Hope you like it. It's true it does change from traditional pokemon games, but I don't think it will change the paradigm however, as these games are not too known and the community is not that big either. I would love if Nintendo payed more attention to fan games to see what the community is looking for and actually give us that, but I'm not too optimistic.
  11. Except it learns it at level 48 so it's not available for Shade. You would need to level up a Poochiena to 40 and then evolve it to get Sucker Punch earlier, and I don't think it's worth the effort. Scrafty with Dragon Dance, Crunch and High Jump Kick makes a better moxie dark type imo
  12. Blue Moon Ice Cream restores 200 HP and maxes happiness. Also it can be traded for Heracronite and Pinsirite later on, and there's speculation about some sort of future event if you give Tania one in the Water Treatment Center but nothing confirmed yet as far as i know apart from a different dialogue.
  13. In the slums there is a closed door, it's pretty straightforward to reach if you enter from the end of the slums, near the wasteland door. As an advice, soft reset until it has dragon dance and preferably moxie. You will have Scrafty sweep whole teams for you. Oh, and prepare to fight some angry Pangoros.
  14. If you're talking about my signature, I just have a normal Pinsir with a Mega-Pinsir build and pinsirite equipped, waiting for the mega ring.
  15. I guess it will be that, but it's pretty frustrating tbh. Especially when I have all of the pokemons of the chain ready except Panpour, and I need it because it's the only pokemom in the game to learn scald. Edit: Got my female Panpour at last. I needed only 22 eggs!
  16. Is there something wrong with female Panpours? I've opened like 17-18 eggs and they were ALL males. It was easier to get a shiny Panpour than a female one, and I need it for chain-breeding.
  17. I'm looking for: Froakie Bulbasaur I can offer: Togepi Drilbur Larvesta Beldum Swords dance Shedinja Feebas (Scald, Ice Beam, Toxic) Any obtainable Field or Water 1 pokemon with Scald, Ice Beam and Toxic
  18. Thank you very much. I guess the Gligar in my signature will be a Gliscor form now on.
  19. I was reading Eagleby18's sticker guide when i suddently find this: How can I manipulate the episode to get access to those floors?
  20. Your save file is in the "Saved Games" file of your computer, not in the game file. All versions of pokemon reborn access the same folder to look for a save file, so if you open the game in E15 it will automagically fetch your E13 / E14 save file.
  21. I usually try to update in the place where the last episode finished, but a pokemon center is a good idea too.
  22. You can download E14 in this post I made a while ago. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19376#entry468477 However, you should be able to update to E15 anyway.
  23. Professional procrastinator... I hope they payed me for that. Where do I have to sign?
  24. New Opal Ward looks awesome. btw, a question about fly. In E15, we can fly only to places inside Reborn city. Will that change in E16, and let us fly to Ametrine, Calcenon, Apophil...?
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