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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Lugruf

  1. I've already posted a couple of times here so I'm not that new, but recently I realized that some people writes a post here to present himself to the forum community and all that, so here I am. Let's follow the trend! I'm Asier, I'm from Spain, I'm 18 and I study a career on real time interactive simmulations (which basically is videogame programming) in DigiPen. I also like reading about politics and some philosophy, literature, listening to music, playing Magic The Gathering (Hearthstone is for 5 year olds) and well, videogames of course. I actually had completely abandoned pokemon several years ago until a friend of mine told me about Reborn, and well, it ended up being one of my favorite games ever. I'm also rubbish at showdown, but I don't really care. I'm not much of a competetive person.
  2. Lugruf


    I think you can get a Rhyorn in the mistery egg, but it's a chance of 1/18. Otherwise you will need to wait till Agate Circus. Donphan is a good option though.
  3. If 7th gen is released before Reborn is completed, will the game be updated as it did for 6th?
  4. Will future episodes take as long as Ep16 to develop or is this an exception?
  5. If you have a heart scale, you should spend it in teaching high jump kick to blaziken. That should give you some OHKOs you couldn't get with sky uppercut. Onix is too weak at this point of the game, so either you evolve it (which I'm not sure it's possible) or you change it for something else. EV training is also a thing. It's true that it's tedious but if you're stuck it can help. I strongly recommend having at least a pokemon with leech seeds in the team. It makes dealing with pulses and random absurdly overleveled pokemon (Garchomp, Arceus, Mewtwo...) much easier. This is what it comes on top of my mind. I'm not too good at advising at other people what to play tbh. I know what it works for me, but that doesn't mean it works for everyone else. My solution for hard fights in Reborn usually is creating a situation for a perfect setup (paralyze, set seeds and everything), then get 6 calm minds, dragon dances, bulk ups, 3 swords dances and sweep the whole team. It's not perfect but it works for me. I'm sure there's plenty of people in the forum who can give better advice but well, hope it helps anyway.
  6. Definitely the hardest battle for me was ep 9 Serra. In 5th gen Snow warning didn't end after 5 turns, so you fought a doubles battle under a constant hail against 6 pokemon with blizzard that never fail. Too many snow cloaks too. Ep 15 Serra is easy compared with that one. Ep 9 Corey was awful too. He had a Trubbish with sash and toxic spikes and Crobat with absurd speed, nasty plot and venoshock swept your whole team.
  7. Chesnaught and Musharna. Basically Chesnaught sets seeds and Musharna stalls any pokemon until it gets 6 calm minds and then sweeps the whole team.
  8. Musharna will definitely stay with me for every single fight of this game. We have gone through too much. Same for Chesnaught, my starter pokemon. And Porygon-Z, just because it's one of my favorite mons ever.
  9. This post contains all the old versions of Pokemon Reborn I was able to find. I currently have versions 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15. If you happen to have a version I don't, could you post it in mega and pass a link or something please? For anyone interested, I post here the versions I already have: Pokemon Reborn E09 Pokemon Reborn E10 Pokemon Reborn E12 Pokemon Reborn E13 Pokemon Reborn E14 Pokemon Reborn E15 (This is not too relevant right now but the link might be useful for someone after E16 release) Edit: I recently started playing Rejuvenation and I've managed to gather some older versions so I'll post them here too in case anyone is interested: Same as above. Should you have a version I don't please don't hesitate to contact me. Pokemon Rejuvenation V5 Pokemon Rejuvenation V6 Pokemon Rejuvenation V7
  10. As far as I know reborn is updated to ORAS, so wild Muks can only hold black sludge. For future doubts with wild held items check out this page.http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pokémon_by_wild_held_item It's a list of all pokemon, the item they can hold and the chance to hold it. Reborn works with the 6th gen ORAS items.
  11. Pachirisu, tons of utility with nuzzle, nice bulk and relevant damage with super fang. Munna, nice bulk and damage, carries whole fights with calm mind setup. Growlithe, nice damage, access to extreme speed after evolving and flash fire.
  12. There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.

  13. Hey guys, I saw in bulbapedia and item location guide that Absol can carry a life orb and was wondering if the event is repeatable to farm any number of orbs. Anyone knows?
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