Hi there, i'm a player from the reborn game and one of my main goal is to collect all the shinies in the game through grinding.
So the issue i have is about the random starter machine at the start of the game and the shiny rate of encounter, I've been soft resetting for quite a few hours (about 6-7 hours with speed up) already and switching between picking a single Pokemon repetitively or going with the machine and let my first shiny starter go random, and i have had no encounter so far, and when i use the machine, sometime after accepting to get a random poke ball, it closes the text box, i don't receive the Pokemon but the surrounding Pokemon stop moving / look in my direction just like when i normally choose one and i have to talk to the machine again to get a random Pokemon and then it works as normal, is there a connection? is there a problem keeping me from getting there "rare" Pokemon the guy told me about and is there a problem with my shiny encounter rate? i'm sorry for all these question i'm just really looking forward to get started with the game and wouldn't want to spend the next few days just to try to get a shiny starter.
Thank you for you time, i really appreciate it.