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About MikoLAqualiChromatique

  • Birthday 12/09/1995

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    Shiny hunting, yaoi an it's all.. nvn ♥.

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  1. Hm.. ok. I think i'll just SR to get a rare starter and continue the story so.. Thank you !
  2. Hellow everybody ! So i started to play Rejuvenation, and i wanted to reset for a female shiny Eevee. i did 100 Sr's but i didn't even got a Eevee, Axew or Ralts.. It's normal or..? :/
  3. It's what the leader told me that i don't remember ! >v<'
  4. Oh. I talked to him, but i didn't know if was for the story, i just remember that he told to go to " idon'tremembercity" or something like that..
  5. Ok, so i just finished to beat the gym leader of.. Vahanen..NenVahananenen Castle, and i totally forgot where to go now.. >__<''
  6. Wow. Thanks all for your help ! ;__; I finnally beat him ! ;v;. I feel like if i could now fly and leave the real world ! Thank all, now, i can go in peace. :go in peace:
  7. " I don't even have a PC " I don't see a computer to change my pokemon team.
  8. Ok, so i'm playing Reborn, i love so much this game but FTW. We really have to beat a Giant Steelix lvl 75 ?! I only have a Camerupt, a Skuntank, a Torterra, a Eelektross lvl 50/54 and two others pokemon at lvl 30, and i should beat him ?! It's so facking hard ! My two first pokemon are OHKO in one shot, when i'm doing Earthquake it say that it's not effective so what should i do ?! For this moment, i'm really mad about the creators because it's so much haaaaaaaaaard. I don't even have a PC to have the chance to train some water or others pokemon. And even, after the lvl 55 they will do all and nothing. SO. What should i do to beat him, seriously ? Maybe i could do a sexy dance and try to seduct him.
  9. HUNT FINISHED. SHINY HELIOPTILE ( I forgot to screen again so.. ).
  10. HUNT FINISHED. SHINY CARVANAH ( I forgot to screen the Carvanha so.. I show the Sharpedo screen ! ).
  11. HUNT FINISHED. SHINY LOTAD ( I forgot to screen the Lotad so.. I show the Ludicolo screen ! ).
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