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C.S. Stars

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by C.S. Stars

  1. @seki108Thank you so much! I think I just have this and Amaria left to battle and then I may be done? we'll see. I have to do some grinding though to beat her. Thanks again!
  2. @seki108 Alright. My ID is kllowe.
  3. @seki108 Yes, just them. Thanks! Do you have any specific trades you want? Shiny or otherwise?
  4. @seki108 Awesome, I'm on now if you are. I'll be on somewhat for the nest few hours
  5. Awesome! Thanks so much! I got everything! (Hopefully)
  6. @seki108 Are you able to trade with me too? (Jigglypuff and Vanillite)
  7. I came back and the food was gone! Do I refill them all several times? Also, how does the mirage tower work? I'm positive that I finished all the puzzles for it but nothing is happening so... (sorry for the trouble, I really do appreciate all the help)
  8. Okay so, I pressed the two buttons already and have passed the Garchomp guards from hell. I pressed the third button on the single statue by the light shard, stuff shook and made noises. Now what?
  9. Sorry if this is old but can any of you still trade for the pokemon? I evolved the jigglypuff and vanillite so it won't work for me my trade username is kllowe.
  10. I'll see what I can do. Thanks. I need to find power gem then for a pokemon to use.....where is the move tutor again....
  11. Hope this isn't an old post but I could use some help too please? I have completed the train puzzle and found the 'town'. I battled the thief and got my prize back. Found but have yet to battle the gym. What does the small cave in the upper left of the scrapyard do? How does Teknite Cave work? What do you mean by power gem, earthquake, and tailwind? (I know they're moves but how do you use them?) I found the temple and got in and pressed the button which caused stuff to shake and a weird noise to happen, but now I'm at a loss as to what to do.
  12. Alright. Thanks for the tips and info. I'm very new to here and still trying to learn the rules and everything.
  13. Alright. I think I've got it. Thanks.
  14. I am not computer savvy so I am still really confused about how the multiple saving and back up save file works.....
  15. Well, I saved all of the police and got my Growlithe and have done the whole thing with Corey. I actually just beat Fern (he is a major asshat) again when needing to find where some key is for finding the replacement gym leader for Corey. What thread or whatever, has the info and updates and whatnot by the game makers? Where can I go to learn things like confirmation of info....?
  16. ......Seriously? ugh. I'm only on my third......I have a long way to go still in this game.....
  17. How do you have multiple game files at once? I can't seem to figure out how to have a few different games going.
  18. So can anyone tell me what changed happen in the storyline depending on what choices you make? Is there a graph someone made to show it?
  19. So I did both of the missions for my gang, how do I get permission to go to 7th street now? Nothing happens when I talk to my leader.
  20. What do you do to help/catch it? It keeps shying away from me and won't do anything.
  21. I honestly miss all of these features. They were each cool and unique, it was nice to see them added to the games for more uniqueness. The ones I miss the most (and wouldn't mind seeing in Reborn) are the contests and secret bases.
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