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Everything posted by Sheepish

  1. True that sir. Serperior is definitely one of my favourite starters to boot so you're definitely onto something there!
  2. Eep! Now this looks like a scary field to face without a fire type...
  3. I find that I have been doing this a lot more lately, more because of the fact that when I purchase a game I play the absolute living daylights out of it with playthroughs that definitely exceed the amount I could count on my fingers for just about any half-decent RPG now days (favourite genre) and I find that the starters just feel so boring after awhile and I need that extra variety. Heck, who needs a Blastoise when you can have a Golduck!? Anyone...? Yeh probably just me xD
  4. TFW you accidentally (and rather stupidly I might add) buy an american nintendo e-shop card online and realise you can't redeem it so decide to leave the code for here the first person to claim it. Code: A06YTE3S2K08W3Q7
  5. I really like Beedrill because I'm fans of glass cannons more than I am bulky mons. But in terms of pure design I definitely choose Banette!
  6. Personally I feel that most of the time the English VA tend to not be very good when it comes to displaying the very strong emotions, namely rage and when the character is absolutely bawling their eyes out and yelling stuff. This is a major problem for me considering I don't like action anime too much and tend to veer towards slice of life and romance anime which frankly don't have too many dubs in the first place compared to some of the bigger ones (which are mostly action). So for me I always choose sub first and if I love the anime and go to watch it again I do check out a couple dub episodes to scout it out.
  7. A small note on the fact that Shelmet (obtainable on Azurine Island) can only be encountered at day time if you want to add that in
  8. Archeops is pretty colourful although yeh is kind of outclassed by Ho-Oh. I think a case could be made for Sigilyph though!
  9. I think Pinsir would make for an awesome smash character! I could see some really neat moves such as his up special pulling out his wings and rising upwards rapidly and his grabs/throws using the pincers on his head.
  10. This^^ is one of the reasons I think mega-evolution brought a great change to the game. In time with megas and BST changes to Pokemon that GF has been pulling out more and more now, so many Pokemon will continue to become much more viable outside of pure gimmick sets.
  11. Piplup! Gives you nice and early access to a steel type in empoleon which basically makes a few of the early gyms abit of a joke (namely Aya and Noel).
  12. Hey everybody I'm pretty new here! Really been enjoying the game so far and hope to have a nice time in the forums too :3
  13. You can get woobats really early on all it needs is friendship to evolve, which if you get it at an early point its not out of the way to do. Simple plus calm mind makes for a powerful set up that basically won me the battle against Cory in Beryl.
  14. Hey everybody, I am stuck and don't know where to go! I beat the second gym (the grass one) and obviously I got told where to go by the leader after defeating her but having not played it in awhile I forgot what she said and it seems she doesn't repeat it. Anyone help as to where to go from there?
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