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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by iHeartBeaver

  1. I'd like to trade for a mudkip! I have a shiny ekans, totodile, cubchoo, foongus, and audino if you'd accept any for a trade. Let me know!
  2. Hi I'm just replying to your comment on my post! what you want Species: Goomy! Gender: Female! Features:example:shiny,egg moves,IVs what you will offer Species:Onix Gender:Female Feature:Shiny! I'm online now if you want to trade right away
  3. Goomy is my favorite pokemon and I was super excited about doing a run-through of the game with him but it looks like you have to beat the game before you can get him. Any kind person willing to send me one so I can use it as my starter and make my pokemon reborn wish come true? I don't have a ton to trade but I have some starters and a shiny onix. Happy Holidays!
  4. I don't know if this is a bug or if there's another way inside but after losing to marianette my character respawned in Sheridan Village and when I get back to Kristolica Palace there's maids blocking the door and I can't go back in.
  5. Okay maybe it's not a "mono"run persay but I thought it might be funny to do a complete play-through of the game only using pokemon that look female/humanoid. I don't think I've seen anything like this before so suggestions! (You go girl!) What 6 female humanoid looking pokemon should I use? A few off the top of my head would be lilligant, roserade, gardevoir, lopunny, gothitelle, froslass, and mawile. Also in terms of viability would I even be able to pick up enough early on?
  6. Wow thanks for the reply! I'll take a look at the guide and probably get around to breeding after I pick up my team. I usually don't use CE(I'm not even running a speed hack) but there's no way I'll get into breeding without it. Yeah I really love Empoleon too. The set im running now is Agility, Surf, Grass Knot, and Drill Peck as a placeholder (I'll breed for icebeam) Heliolisk and Ninetales is really a killer combo and I'll have to do some breeding for the correct hidden powers as well and my Hawlucha is actually running the set you mentioned(with feather dance) and thanks for the flying gems tip. I think I'll give Gourgeist a try since I like the way it looks and I like having a wall on my team. Durant would probably fine but I'm still keeping my options open I think. Do you have any other recommendations for my sixth? and what about a few for rotational purposes?
  7. Hi everyone, This is my first run through the game and I'm having a great time but I've been having difficulty trying to put together a cohesive team since there's so many pokemon I like... I think it's probably about that time now. The team that I'm thinking about is as follows: -Empoleon -Heliolisk -Ninetales or Arcanine (Probably ninetails because of heliolisk but I forgot to pick up vulpix and who knows when I can make it back through Agate Circus) -Hawlucha -Undecided (Maybe Gourgeist) -Undecided (Maybe Mamoswine) I've been thinking a lot about movesets as well but I'd prefer ones that don't take a ton of breeding as I find it kind of tedious :/ Does this team have any glaring flaws? Also could someone recommend me a 5th/6th and possibly 7th/8th for rotations? Thanks!
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