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12 Fledgling

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    Jay Kay
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  1. Correct me if I’m wrong, but for Blake there seems to be 2 interactions with him before actually meeting him in Ametrine City (I believe once in the Obsidia Slums and once in Agate Circus). I don’t know if that grants us friendship points for him. As for El, I have no idea
  2. From the looks of the error message you have, I've got the same bug, except I'm fighting Gym Leader Serra and after I K.O. her first Pokemon, the error message pops and she doesn't switch in her next one.
  3. I don't know about you, but I'm able to manually change the window size like a regular window even if my options say Medium. Maybe you could try that.
  4. I'm pretty sure it's possible to get a shiny as I have gotten a shiny Pokemon from the market in the past. Also, I read somewhere nothing was shiny locked in Reborn (not 100% sure though).
  5. You could also get a Magneton (catch a Magnemite in Shade's gym). It gets Flash Cannon by level up
  6. If you join Aqua Gang you can get a Carvanha
  7. It's not just about putting them in the right place. I suggest looking it up on youtube and following the steps and with a bit of luck you can do it.
  8. I know it's not a potential candidate but what about Toxapex (if it's even in Rejuv?). Personnally I'm not competitive so I don't really know how you'd run it, but I'd say it's the Water-type you need, it's bulky and it could even be useful against Fairy types.
  9. I'm pretty sure that's the building they're talking about. Just walk around a little in there: you'll trigger the event.
  10. Jk_Garchomp


    Oh. And here I thought that by « hold all of your horses », you meant wait a few weeks for post game. But I guess not.
  11. I'd say get an Ampharos with Electric Terrain. You can find the Mareep in an event in Jasper Ward (Soft-reset to get a Mareep with Electric Terrain as it is an egg move.)
  12. I ranked them based on difficulty. Kiki would've been an A for sure if Ame had kept her team as it was previously. Radomus too. And Samson. And Charlotte would've been an S.
  13. Also, if you're looking for some other strong Pokémon, you'll find most of those as events/side quests in the game, so look around.
  14. Here you go! Btw since I'm pretty sure it's not possible to change what the random egg becomes I just added an egg in your PC. Whenever you receive the egg, just swap it for the one that's in the PC. Good luck! game.rxdata
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