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Everything posted by Zargerth

  1. Is there any specific mon that is giving you trouble? In my experience Psychic-types tend to do well against her, so you might want to catch a couple more like Xatu and Girafarig. I believe as of V10 you're able to get either Sawk or Throh now, and the other one later on, in Sheridan Village. Sawk with Sturdy can put in work too. Mind posting the movesets of your team?
  2. You should no longer be stuck. Game.rxdata
  3. I don't think that's your save file. You can use these instructions for locating it (they're for Reborn, but work with Rejuvenation too): http://www.rebornevo.com/index.php?/pr/save/
  4. I battled the Garbodor again, so don't be alarmed if it's different mons that have fainted now. You also missed out on some dialogue, but other than that everything should work now: Game.rxdata
  5. Had you already defeated the Garbodor?
  6. Zargerth

    Magnet Powder

    @Zoey You spoke to the wrong person, the guy who sells you Magnet Powder is located near the psychologist, above the Blast Powder guy and the area with cages.
  7. Exceptionally warm and sunny for summer time weather.
  8. That's the error I got too. Thanks for the heads up.
  9. It's still not working. @Walpurgis can you help with this one?
  10. Either I'm having some kind of issue with google drive or both of your save files (at least the ones you uploaded) are corrupted.
  11. @Solaceax The thing with Fake Out is that if you use it right of the bat, as well as immediately knock out Illumise after that, you can effectively prevent Shelly from setting up rain. This allows you to use your Fire-type moves without them being weakened, you can even set the field on fire (you need a Fire-type move that hits several targets like Flame Burst or Heat Wave). Graveler/Golem/Onix with Sturdy -ability works well for setting up Stealth Rocks. Since Bug-types take increased damage from them, it's not a bad choice at all. If I were you, I'd evolve both Torracat and Numel, the added power and bulk will come in handy. If you have any Common Candies, you can also evolve Joltik into Galvantula (level 36) and then use a Common Candy to bring it back to level 35 so it still obeys you.
  12. @Shinetales I'm no mod, but regardless you should be able to do the sidequest now. Game.rxdata
  13. I'm no expert on this by any means, but I think it depends on what program you're using. I just deleted it (control + x) after using the magic wand tool.
  14. You have forgotten to remove the white background, the background should be transparent. Should look something like this. Apparently I forgot to remove a couple of white spots.
  15. Iirc Arclight joins you later, Adrienn is in Coral Ward and Victoria at Beryl Cemetery.
  16. Try going to the Grand Hall.
  17. Use Fly and go back to Reborn City.
  18. USUM content, including move tutors, are not implemented in E17.
  19. I hope I got it right. game.rxdata
  20. So I just beat the main story in Spork (I still have some sidequests left) and if I had to summarize my end-game battles in one sentence, it is:


    I'll never underestimate Masquerain again.

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