@Solaceax The thing with Fake Out is that if you use it right of the bat, as well as immediately knock out Illumise after that, you can effectively prevent Shelly from setting up rain. This allows you to use your Fire-type moves without them being weakened, you can even set the field on fire (you need a Fire-type move that hits several targets like Flame Burst or Heat Wave).
Graveler/Golem/Onix with Sturdy -ability works well for setting up Stealth Rocks. Since Bug-types take increased damage from them, it's not a bad choice at all.
If I were you, I'd evolve both Torracat and Numel, the added power and bulk will come in handy. If you have any Common Candies, you can also evolve Joltik into Galvantula (level 36) and then use a Common Candy to bring it back to level 35 so it still obeys you.