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Everything posted by Zargerth

  1. @Cyclonegale You can deal with Excadrill by letting it KO something while it has King's Shield up (thanks to Magical Seed it holds). Then bring in something faster or a mon that is holding a Magical Seed and OHKO it - maybe Infernape can do it with Close Combat? Bring something bulky against Aegislash. Also, make sure you can deal super-effective hits without activating King's Shield - I'd say Hippowdon with Earthquake would be ideal for this. Like Tacos said, you can easily use her field to your advantage by letting your mons hold Magical Seed.
  2. Fern's opinion on me burning his last mon and because of that my Growlithe was victorious.


    For those of you wondering, this is Reborn Redux.


    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      thats ferns opinion on everything*.


      *actual fact

  3. or that they like Ugandan Knuckles memes
  4. Iirc it's the song that plays in Thrifty Megamart in Sun & Moon ( I think in USUM too).
  5. If it's Salandit you're talking about, don't use Fly, use either Teleport or Surf through Ametrine instead.
  6. @Loucanroc Is your Meowstic male with Prankster ability? Light Screen and Reflect certainly would help you with that Garchomp. Special attacking Ice-types should put a dent on it, even when the Garchomp is holding Assault Vest. Ice is special type in Gen 1, meaning mons like Beartic and Weavile use their Special Attack stat when using Ice-type moves: this makes them less ideal than what you might expect. Fairy-type becomes Normal, so don't bother resisting Draco Meteor. If you manage to use Trick Room, that could work too. In this case you should bring mons that are slower than Garchomp and slowly whittle it down. Trick Room always goes last, so if you wanted to use it you need a mon that can take hit from Garchomp: if you use TR earlier, make sure you're not exposed to that Palossand.
  7. Iirc you have to buy it from the casino. Flash, I mean.
  8. @Mu7e If you have Magic Seeds, use them. If not, go buy some. You see, Magic Seed grants you Attack buff (one stage) as well as King's Shield for one turn. Teach your Blaziken Bulk up and now not only have you increased your Attack, but also Defense and Speed. Fire-type is not super-effective on Steel in the Fairy-tale field, so you should use High Jump Kick. With all of this said, Excadrill is still going to be a problem, so I suggest you get rid of it or let one of your mons get knocked out before bringing in Blaziken - that way you can make use of the one-turn KS the Magic Seed provides you. I personally like both Diggersby and Bewear as they're useful in this battle. Diggersby's Earthquake (with Huge Power ability) deals massive damage and can even OHKO several of her mons. Bewear on the other hand can deal very well with her A-Sandslash: Brick Break is enough for OHKO and it removes Aurora Veil should she go for it. Bewear and Diggersby are Normal-types, meaning Aegislash can't use Shadow Sneak on them at all, and because of the field effect Sacred Sword isn't super-effective. Diggersby might still get OHKO'd, but Bewear can take one or two of those. I'd say Diggersby is still the better choice against Aegislash because Diggersby outspeeds it, and can use STAB Earthquake. To be honest I don't see Noivern or Crobat being very useful against her. Even if you taught Noivern Flamethrower, I don't think it's going to do all that much aside from potential chip damage on her Scizor. Edit: forgot to add that Smart Strike gets super-buffed by the field effect, so this might be something you can try yourself. Escavalier could make good use of it.
  9. I'm talking about Patch 2. If you have downloaded it and your game still crashes, then there's something wrong.
  10. Have you downloaded the latest patch? Your save file worked perfectly fine for me.
  11. Flygon and Mamoswine are both really good choices too. Flygon gets Dragon Dance now, and iirc you can get Trapinch pretty early on in the game, before Serra to be exact. As for Mamoswine, you might want to breed Icicle Crash on it so you are not stuck with Ice Fang. Arcanine, from what I understand, is an all-around mon. Intimidate coupled with Morning Sun (and maybe the eventual Will o' wisp) provides longevity, but if you prefer more offensive set you can go for moves like Flare Blitz, Wild Charge, Close Combat and Extreme Speed - take your pick and mix & match, really. Some other mons that are generally considered very good are Gengar and Aggron. Gengar - like Sharpedo - can go for Destiny Bond and that away always secure at least one K.O in every battle you bring them in. Aggron and Sturdy + Metal Burst works in a similar fashion. Other good moves for Aggron include Iron Head / Heavy Slam and Head Smash / Stone Edge.
  12. There are four different spots where an oasis can appear (one at a time). These spots are always the same and not randomized. In other words you run back and forth between those four spots in search of an oasis. When you have found three, you go to the Mirage Tower.
  13. Man, this topic bring back memories of when I got into Elder Scrolls and first played Oblivion - and that was like 10-12 years ago. Me, my younger and my older brother all played Oblivion back then, and we all agreed to pick different race. I chose Nord and didn't regret it: it was so much fun just to punch bandits and marauders to death. Second pick would be Argonian, since it's my go-to race whenever I play stealth-oriented character. The third spot goes for Wood Elves for being another solid choice for a stealthy character.
  14. This should be the right one. I taught some moves in order to beat the Garbodor, so that would explain some moveset changes. Game.rxdata Edit: Shot version of what you missed:
  15. Apparently it's the Garbodor that is causing you issues. I could send you your save file where I have beaten the Garbodor, but in that case you miss out on some dialog. I can try to provide a summary of it, though.
  16. How about Tyrantrum? Strong Jaw isn't bad, considering how many biting moves Tyrantrum actually gets, or just go with Dragon Dance + Head Smash + Rock Head -ability.
  17. I can do that much, but there's no guarantee this is the only time this kind of thing happens. I can't help you with whatever caused that error to occur. Ok, I only played through that scene, let me know if you get the error message again. Game.rxdata
  18. Are you using Mac or something? If so, I'm afraid I can't help you with that because I know nothing about Mac.
  19. The problem lies elsewhere, your save file worked just fine for me.
  20. I think any part of Route 3 is fine, I personally found one in the spot between the caves. Zangoose is just very rare.
  21. Then there's Blizzard and Hypnosis, two exceptions to the rule. Blizzard's accuracy as well as base power has been decreased and when it comes to Hypnosis it got briefly buffed before it was nerfed again.
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