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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zargerth

  1. Check the V10 thread, the first page. There should be a link to the patch, right under Patch 2
  2. Did you download the patch? There's an error in one of the scripts, that's why it - in this case Bewear's ability - doesn't work correctly.
  3. Mainly the battles and puzzles. One of my favorite things is in fact the field effects: they alone change the way one can enjoy Pokemon and Pokemon battles. That combined with the scarcity of OP/ super strong mons and moves makes battles have much more depth compared to spamming your strongest move(s). Fields also allow unviable or low-tier (in terms of competitive play anyway) mons to become extremely good or dangerous.
  4. I haven't played V10 right from the beginning, but I've heard some Gym Leader battles have changed since V9. Now that development for V11 has started, I might wait for it to be released before doing another playthrough. I used these mons (everything up to Jynx has been EV-trained) in my latest run: There also are some mons I have trained but haven't used in battle yet. I prefer to use as few items as possible, especially during battles.
  5. Happy birthday, Bibs!



    (it's already past midnight here)


    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      right back atcha, m'boi

      and thanks :]

  6. I have used it just as a Normal-type as well as changing the type with Memories. In my experience both are viable: Normal-type Silvally has STAB Explosion, which is nice. Or you could just run Return instead. Silvally is extremely flexible; you can change Silvally's typing on the spot if you have the Memory for it, not to mention Multi-Attack is a nice 90 base power STAB move. Silvally also has a decent movepool (also learns Surf so you don't need to sacrifice any of Starmie's moves).
  7. Defeat the upcoming Gym Leader and grab yourself Silvally. It takes a bit of work to get one, but in my opinion definitely worth it.
  8. This is the same name I gave to one of my characters in Monster Hunter Tri, and that was, what, 8 years ago I think? Anyhow, I have no clue how I came up with this name, but it has stuck with me ever since. So yeah, the origins of Zargerth may not be very interesting, but at the very least I have yet to see people with the same name (or very close to mine). I'm willing to bet my name reveals very little about what I like or don't like other than that I need to be a hipster and have a weird-ass name/alias. Edit: one thing I dislike about this name is that I have no idea how you're supposed to pronounce it.
  9. Well, how far are you in the game currently? inb4magnezone
  10. Hp: 50 Attack: 20 Defense: 200 Sp. Attack: 20 Sp. Defense: 200 Speed: 20 Total: 510 As for abilities, some potential options are Oblivious and Simple and Comatose. I'd probably be Normal-type, maybe with Poison secondary typing. As evident by my stats spread, I don't focus on offense but rather on defense instead. High defensive stats allow for a great stalling game, and I do have a patience of a rock (why no Rock-typing?).
  11. @MegaRekhytX That's Normal for ya: you can pick pretty much anything you want at any point in the game and always have a good team. You can catch Buneary in Obsidia Ward, so if you manage to evolve it fast you can get Lopunny before Florinia. Buneary can be found in Aventurine Woods too.
  12. Critique is something that can often be seen as a negative thing, but it actually serves a (good) purpose. So if you're going to tone down your "rants", instead of leaving out valid criticism you could make it more concise. I really need to start following this run again.
  13. You have to cancel the evolution for it to happen.
  14. Afaik Eviolite is currently unobtainable.
  15. Based on my latest playthroughs of Reborn and Rejuvenation, which are Normal monotype in Reborn and Intense mode Psychic monotype in Rejuvenation: Hardest ones Reborn: Kiki and Luna. Kiki's Hitmonlee could easily wipe out my entire team after Unburden boosted Speed: all of my mons were slower and High Jump Kick is super strong. I managed to win due to Kiki doing pointless switches like switching out Machamp and sending in Lucario against my Pyroar and also because Slaking somehow survived Hitmonlee's HJK. I don't know how that happened, maybe it was a low damage roll or something. As for Luna, dealing with Honchkrow was much harder than I expected, then there was that Malamar with Contrary + Superpower. An honorable mention to Terra. Rejuvenation: Narcissa and Crawli. I defeated Narcissa simply because the AI kept using Spectral Scream against my Mr.Mime; I changed it's ability to Soundproof just because of this battle (for the record Spectral Scream is a sound-based move, so it gets blocked by Soundproof). My Lunatone also tanked Gengar's Never-ending Nightmare like a champ, although I changed the field with Flash. In retrospect I think I could've done better against Crawli: my Oricorio had poor EVs and at the time didn't have Hurricane. Easiest ones Reborn: Adrienn and Aya. I was supposed to do a bit of grinding before challenging Adrienn (my team was approximately around lvl 68-75 iirc) but got lazy. To my surprise I defeated them (xyr?) rather easily. Defiant Braviary was a good pick for that battle. Aya, on the other hand, got absolutely crushed by Diggersby and Toxic Boost Zangoose with Facade. Rejuvenation: Valarie, Marianette and Souta. Valarie and Marianette both got swept by A-Raichu. While I didn't defeat Souta on my first try, he was a bit easy for "easily the hardest Gym Leader so far": In my opinion a more defensive approach works wonders here: I set up dual screens with Meowstic, then tanked Braviary and Dragonite with Metagross and Lunatone respectively. Tailwind has ended by now, so A-Raichu and Alakazam went to town against the rest of his team.
  16. Leniency in the order you can/have to beat Gyms etc: not necessarily in any order you want, but for example Grass would always be first, but then you could choose either Fire or Water as 2nd, whereas the other one is 3rd and so on and so forth.
  17. You should be able to buy Apophyll Pancakes in Route 3. I already had A-Raichu against Marianette.
  18. In route 2 there's an artist who wishes to see Magcargo, iirc Cherrim and Zebstrika. When you have shown him Zebstrika he gives you a Magnet.
  19. Which character did you choose in your other save files? The first save file is corrupted afaik. You have to revert to a backup. There is nothing wrong with your save file. The error message that pops up doesn't effect your game at all.
  20. I agree. In my case, however, Toxapex just spammed Toxic Spikes so maybe it was just because of AI derping why Aya felt so easy. Then again, Toxapex doesn't have particularly good offensive stats either and relies on Merciless to do meaningful damage, so I'd say Toxapex in this case is overall less threatening than Tentacruel.
  21. I'm not blaming you, Nier: Automata is a really good game.
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