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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Zargerth

  1. Yes, there should be one available, but the thing is I don't remember where I got it. Besides that one, you can buy them later with Credits. No, as far as I know you cannot open it. However, the house at the very top (where you met Tristan) can be opened.
  2. You are, but you need to credit the original creators. From Pokemon Reborn FAQ: As long as you credit for anything used per any specifics in the Readme, you can borrow whatever you need. While not strictly forbidden, we do advise against reusing maps and characters without any changes, as these might be easily recognizable to players and would break immersion.
  3. Correct. However, the topic creator specifically asked about Move Tutors, not Relearners - or Reminderers. Move Tutors being those who teach Draco Meteor, Blast Burn, etc, or to take an example from Reborn, the guy who teaches Pledge moves, whereas Move Relearner teaches level up and egg moves.
  4. Did you mean if there's more than one way in to the sewers, then yes. One entrance in South Cellia, and 3 in Central Cellia: in the market, in one of the smaller alleyways and one in the top left corner.
  5. Out of those only Sludge Bomb is available. There's a woman in Cellia Sewers who asks you to collect several (5) sludge pieces. Bring them to her and she'll give you the TM for Sludge Bomb. There are no move tutors as of now I believe.
  6. As far as I know currently there is not a detailed guide telling players everything there is to find, catch or do before each Gym Leader all in one: there are item and pokemon location guides, though, as well as sidequests guide iirc. If you're so worried with making "how to beat X" topics, why not use the search function if you aren't already? You're not the first (and not the last) to struggle against many of the Gym Leaders - there's even a thread dedicated to helping people to defeat any Gym Leader. You can always ask there if you don't feel like creating a new thread each time you get stuck. In many cases you can go back and take the time to train new mons and explore areas more thoroughly. One thing you can do to prepare for future battles is to train and use mons in rotation (more than 6 so you can pick and choose your team for each Gym / PULSE etc.). Going through the trouble of catching and raising more mons can save you headache later on. Besides, having specific counters to Gym Leaders are nice to have but not mandatory by any means. There is value in figuring out your own winning strategy - I imagine quite a few people did, and this is why you get different advice from folks based on their experiences. Your playthrough is unique to you, you're not being hand-held by a guide revealing you the optimal/best strats.
  7. Unplayable in what sense? If you have backups enabled, you'll find them, as well as your current save file (it's the Game.rxdata), in (C.)-> users -> [name] -> Saved games.
  8. I think there was one lying around near the Fight Club in Blackview. That'd be before your 4th gym battle.
  9. Here's some of my thoughts and impressions on the demo. I played on Hard difficulty, as it's the canonical (and thus intended?) difficulty. Let's start off with what I actually liked the most about the game, namely exploration. Even though there wasn't all that much to do in Coilerad Town, I still think the ability to stray off the beaten path was a nice addition. Another thing I liked is the way you place hidden items in various areas. This makes searching every cranny and nook worthwhile, especially when you can find items in unexpected spots. There appears to be several small typos and other errors. For example: It also appears there is a small mistake with the Construction sidequest. As we can see here in the quest log, it tells players to go to Route 2. However, it is in fact Route 3 where the quest continues. Route 2 is from what I understand completely unrelated to this quest. My bigger grievance, however, is the lack of content. Considering this is a short demo, a majority of my time was still spent on trying to grind and level up my team for the gym battle. As your mons gain levels, the amount of EXP they get decreases (like in gen 5). By the time my mons were lvl 10 and above (you most likely don't beat the gym leader with a bunch of lvl 10 mons on Hard difficulty), it was nigh impossible to level them up with wild encounters - excluding the rattling/shaking patches of grass. However, even here we have a couple of issues. First, even these encounters can have low lvl mons (lvl 7-8) which yield practically no EXP. Second, these patches can be hard to reach. Unless I'm mistaken, Repels are not sold in Connal Town before you beat the first Gym Leader. Without Repels there's a chance you don't even reach the rattling grass patch before getting a wild encounter. Wolfan Cave is in my opinion even worse, because the special encounters can appear in places that are impossible to reach. I personally don't understand why these two areas still need lvl 5-6 wild mons. Increasing the wild mon levels here, like lvl 9 being the minimum, would go a long way, as well as possibly providing Lucky Egg or some other means to gain increased XP (make the EXP bottles do that for a limited amount of battles?). I'm also not sure why the sidequests cannot be available before beating the gym leader instead of after getting your badge, which in my understanding is the case. Having something to do and being able to train your mons at the same time further helps with the apparent lack of content. Your mons stop gaining EXP altogether when they hit the level cap, so I don't see many drawbacks to these solutions. If you need a roadblock to prevent players from going north of Connal Town without the gym badge and with the sidequests done, make one of the kids play with their Pokemon in front of the gate or something. This is more of a suggestion than critique per se, but having a one-way shortcut from Craomaid Forest to Losgeir Town would diminish the amount of running back and forth between areas and places you've already been to. Generally I suggest you consider these types of shortcuts in the future. I don't know how exploration-heavy you intend Pokemon Divulgence to be, but I imagine areas get larger and more complicated, so having an easy way to get back to Pokemon Center/ for backtracking cuts the repetitiveness. Later on when more HMs are available, you can use those for creating alternate paths/ shortcuts. I think that's it. In short, just looking around and exploring the areas is fun and rewarding, but by the time you reach Connal Town it kind of comes to a grinding halt - quite literally. Decreasing the tedium in leveling up remedies this problem.
  10. At least with Windows, (C:) -> users -> [name] -> saved games - this is where your save files are located in their respective folders (Reborn save files in folder named Pokemon Reborn etc.)
  11. In your case I'd probably go for Torchic. It takes quite a bit of time before you start finding strong TMs like Ice Beam you mentioned, but don't underestimate more niche or overshadowed TMs like Nature Power.
  12. Maybe I'm using an older version, because I couldn't find anything about it in the Readme. Anyhow, thanks for clarifying.
  13. Yeah, teams of 6 mons is what you can expect from every Gym Leader. If you need to train, go to one of the alleys, you should find mons around lvl 10 or so. Use Speed up button as well. Iirc you can also go to Grand Hall and repeatedly fight trainers there. As for Julia, I know some folks have used Moxie Mightyena to good effect. One thing I like to do is to catch Goldeen with Lightningrod ability. I'd consider ditching Stunky in favor of Trubbish. Trubbish's Toxic Spikes is much more useful as means of dealing passive damage than Stunky's Poison Gas.
  14. I believe this is an unintended effect. I'm playing on Hard difficulty. My Tympole gets burned after a few steps if they're the first Pokemon in my party.
  15. I don't claim to know all the differences, but apparently:
  16. There's one in Bronze Island. You can go there once you've completed all Addenfall Ranger Guild tasks.
  17. I think the difficulty is fine. Some of the Gym Leaders actually gave me trouble - in fact, I think Aderyn was buffed. The last two were significantly easier, though. Then again, I was well-equipped to deal with them. It makes sense for them to be easier when you have a much larger pool of available Pokemon, items and a fast way to EV train your team. In regards to the last bit of story we got with this episode, I was left wondering if:
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