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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zargerth

  1. Then there's not much you can do. You either need someone else to defeat the Garbodor for you or to edit your save file.
  2. Yes you can. Just change the field.
  3. You can use the warp pad outside the cave to leave. There's a PC in the TV/radio station building thingy at least.
  4. When you can't feel your stomach, it's called the absence of abbs-sense

  5. I gave you both Turtwig and Drilbur. I had to change your controls to default because the ones you were using were too much for my simple brain to handle. Game.rxdata
  6. No that's not it. Follow these instructions (they're for Reborn but work with Rejuvenation too) : http://www.rebornevo.com/index.php?/pr/save/
  7. Yeah, I got it to happen by blacking out, but I had to go out of my way to do that. If you don't get wiped, it works normally.
  8. What exactly did you do for the bug to happen? I'm asking because I was not able to replicate it. The Oshawott sidequest worked just as intended.
  9. Zargerth


    Also, on the topic of dancing frogs:
  10. You can buy Rare Candies from one of the vendors in Route 3.
  11. post your save file, this problem can't be fixed without it.
  12. Post your save file. This is a recurring issue which can't be fixed without RPG Maker.
  13. If PULSE Muk was used more than once, do you repulse it?




    Pulse / re-pulse, get it?


    1. NullCat


      Hahahah well mabye they just made another one.

    2. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      I'm personally repulsed that this joke even exists. You already drained its spirit out, can't you just leave a poor slime boi alone?!

  14. Disrespect Fern and Bennett as much as you please and no losing to Garchomp. Those are the choices I care about. With that said, I voted for Doubles battle with Amaria, as well as battling Sirius first.
  15. I think 12, since you make the choice before you battle Ciel.
  16. Here you go. Simon is now at Beryl Graveyard. game.rxdata
  17. Charmander can be found by fishing (Super Rod) at the top of Pyrous Mountain, the area where you battled Cal. I think Treecko was in Rhocodrine Jungle post-restoration. You might have to trade for Litten since apparently you didn't get one as a reward for finding jobs for one of the Gangs. As for the others:
  18. Nope, sorry. I'm not going to help you with every single inconvenience you might face. Adapt. Improvise. Overcome.
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