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About Caraboo

  • Birthday 01/12/1998

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    'Ello, I'm a casual but loyal Pokemon fan chugging her way through the adventure that is Pokemon Reborn and trying not to totally fail.

    I'm a furry, I love to draw, and I love me some mangos and animus.

    I'm also a avid watcher of Vinesauce Youtube videos.

    Don't mind me, I'm here off and on seeking advice and occasionally chatting to whoever wants to listen. Always looking to improve how I play Reborn and collecting Pokes to add to my ever-growing rotation group.

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  1. UPDATE: oh god i did it, i'm shaking with excitement. my first shiny. his name is bumblebee... he also has his hidden ability! been playing since gen 3, and this feels great fam.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Caraboo


      I've obtained shinies, but never found one in a canon game. Keeping myself pumped while plowing through Growlithe after Growlithe was hard but it was worth those 3 hours.

    3. doombotmecha


      my only legit shiny was a lombre in emerald.

    4. KingRyan


      fuck yea *clap*clap*clap* altho i do prefer Reborn's Shiny Arcanine. Blue Beast of Legend.

  2. Using the SOS method to find a shiny Growlithe. This would be my first ever shiny. Trying to keep myself on it until I run out of moves is hard.

  3. i'm glad my friend can't see my face while we talk about the plot of SuMo, bc I've beaten the game, and she hasn't.

  4. I love Skyrim... but I'm so bad at it.

  5. Praying for all you retail workers today.

    1. Commander


      Kill me. Kill me now.


  7. Wow. Bad guy of Sun and Moon. That's... legit terrible. Dang.

  8. So uh. Where can I find a Jiggypuff in Moon? Because I'm about to give up on the RNG for a female Salandit. I need that Cute Charm.

  9. And so the hunt for a female Salandit begins.

  10. UPS... Please, please deliver my copy of Moon before I have to go to work. ;u;

  11. can't decide whether to name my Rowlet Cyanea to keep in theme with its extinct theme, or Edelwood, bc spooky ghost trees.

    1. Combat


      I plan on naming mine Owlver Queen.

      My entire life is a pun.

  12. Well I noticed it happen as I was on Skype, typing something back. The cursor kept jumping between letters, highlighting random text, and clicking off the text box at random. Confused, I went back on Youtube, where it all just went to heck, highlighting stuff, clicking when I didn't mean to and creating 20 new tabs, etc. I don't know, I had been drinking a smoothie and a couple of droplets got onto the laptop. I dried them up, but I'm worried the water may have slipped through the keyboard and messed something up. But it didn't happen right away either. After I had dried the water up, I doodled something on SAI, and surfed the web without issue. :/ While I wasn't the biggest fan of touchpads either, I sort of got used to this, as this is more my personal room laptop and I don't have a proper desk, and just use it at my bed, hence why a mouse is sort of not idea for this whole situation. I draw sitting crouched over enough, I don't want to jank my posture having to do the same while using a mouse any more than I have to while using this, y'know?
  13. (if this is in the wrong topic feel free to move it and sorry!) Oh BOY oh BOY my laptop decided to fart again. To it's credit, it hasn't been majorly obnoxious to use once I figured out its original main problem with internet connectivity (the drivers just needed to be updated) but, literally just tonight, my touchpad stopped working 100% properly. It's highlighting, dragging, and clicking on things while I'm simply swiping though pages, and sometimes fairly light pressure on the laptop itself causes it to highlight and do all that stuff. I tried updating the touchpad drivers. Drivers were up to date. I tried turning the touchpad off and on again. Didn't fix it. I messed with sensitivity, even turned off 'tap to click' and it still did it. As a last resort, I decided I would turn on the wayback machine and hop back one driver update to see if that would fix it. Did the update, restarted my laptop, aaand... Suddenly, the entire touchpad driver was on. Couldn't do anything to fix it. While the touchpad worked, it was very sluggish and slow. I went onto the website, re-downloaded the proper driver, restarted, and it seemed fixed, but it continues to occasionally click and highlight at random. Tap to click is still off, too! My laptop is a Dell Inspiron 3537. I honestly have no idea what happened to cause this.
  14. Oh boy, I sure do love it when something suddenly goes wrong with my laptop for seemingly no reason, out of nowhere.

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      Isn't it just wonderful

  15. ahhh i love the hypocrisy of politics.

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