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19 Fledgling

About shibe

  • Birthday 04/14/1997

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    sleepy time junction
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  1. Oddishweed quest can only be completed post Luna badge I believe.
  2. No problem! And I think the "hold ctrl" prompt was added in a recent update since we had a couple PC bugs where it would crash when retrieving an item from a boxed mon or accidentally using the multi select prompt on an empty slot.
  3. Hello! The first request you mentioned about mass release is already an included feature with the multi-move function I believe unless I'm missing something. Box moving does sound like a nice QoL feature though.
  4. Aight, feel free to toss me a mon you don't need. My ign is yuukulele, send me a request when you're able!
  5. Howdy! Still need a pokerus mon?
  6. Yee, sending a request.
  7. Ready when you are! Toss me another request!
  8. No prob! I could grab some from the Department store for ya. Just give me a bit!
  9. Aight, ign is yuukulele. Feel free to drop me a request.
  10. Howdy! In post restoration you can buy the Luck Incense and any other incense at The Emporium in Beryl Ward! It's by the first entrance into the jungle. I can still toss ya a Happiny if you'd prefer though!
  11. Still looking? Would an egg be okay?
  12. No prob! Enjoy and have a good one!
  13. Sweet. Sending a request as yuukulele. If you could give me that Scyther that'd be swell. I'm still working on my dex for this ep haha.
  14. Still looking? I have a few Larvesta eggs sitting in my PC.
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