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  1. Is there like a map of grand dream city...... I can't go anywhere without being lost at least 3 times
  2. Is there a pokemon location guide or a Item location guide for desolation? if it is there, can someone give me the links to it
  3. So, as the title explains, All you got to do is to Rate my team and suggest for possible pokemons to add. This is for ingame purposes. I just freed luna if you want to know where I have reached Blaziken @ (suggest) Adamant Flare blitz Bulk up Brave bird Hi jump kick Dragalage @ (suggest) Modest Toxic Sludge wave Dragon pulse Hydro pump Azumarill @ (suggest) Adamant play rough Aqua jet superpower strength (suggest replacement) these are the core members for the rest I have been using Excadrill scrafty Hounchcrow thats all please help me
  4. So i am doing a Mascot run and my mascot is azumarill. I waited till the mystery egg hoping it is a marill but it wasn't a marill, so would anyone plz put a adamant marill ( adamant one with aqua jet and huge power will be greatly appreciated ) in my save file if i ask to much or go against the rules you don't have to edit my save file For some reason I am unable to upload here ( it says 'You have exceeded your allotted disk space for attachments' ) So here is the file https://www.dropbox.com/s/a6divf2ymhl774f/Game.rxdata?dl=0
  5. I am looking for An adamant huge power marill with Aqua Jet+Superpower but i don't have anything worth offering, so it is like anyone willing to donate that thing to me. I am sorry if i am asking for a bit too much
  6. Hello guys!! I am back with another question, so I was asking that is trading a thing in reborn? If yes, would anyone like to trade me a marill for a trashmon because my team desperatly needs a water type and who better than marill? thz guys
  7. Can anyone tell me which egg is this? Edit. And which are the most useful mystery egg pokemons?
  8. all the warehouses are locked
  9. What is the side quest to free the daycare couple?
  10. So guys as you might have guessed that i might be asking how to breed growlithe plz tell me?
  11. I can't, it says You have exceeded your allotted disk space for attachments
  12. njab can u take the save file from my pervious post because i and having issues with uploading. it is saying the the upload failed
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