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Everything posted by PeXXeR
I just started my 21321 playthrough of the game and I really want to use a Milotic/Jolteon for my new playthrough I started yesterday. If someone has some breedjects to spare that would be awesome, thanks in advance. Edit, Thank you Vanitas !
Got ya, thank you very much.
just a question, do I have to start a new save file when I updated the mods ? I just use these. I just realized that even with the old versions of the mods the game does not show me debufs and stat changes in battle all the rest of the mods work though. Scizor used Agility here does the SP boost supposed to be displayed on the screen ?
Happay Birthday Ame ! I wish you all the best, great health, follow all your dreams, and thank you and everyone involved for the awesome games you've made.
Looking for a Gible and a Scyther/Scizor for a fresh playthrough.
PeXXeR replied to PeXXeR's topic in Online Play
Thank you for the awesome Gift, you just increased my enjoyment 100000000000fold Thanks again ! -
Looking for a Gible and a Scyther/Scizor for a fresh playthrough.
PeXXeR replied to PeXXeR's topic in Online Play
Im rdy now, I just need to catch two pokes. Thank you very much ! Edit:Rdy -
Hi everyone, Im looking for a Jolly Gible and and Adamant Scyther/Scizor with technician for a new playthrough. Ive beaten the game multiple times at this point but I lost my saves and I would really like to start with a Gible or Scyther/Scizor if you can evolve it. My trade name is PeXXeR. Thanks in advance
No one's saying content should be removed, and alternate option, like lets say you fail 10 times, the gym leader makes fun of you, then the doors just pops open. Edit The crit thing I was talking about was a bug I think, I redownloaded the game started a fresh save, and everything is fine. Playing the whole game again I do agree pushing mudkip back is a good idea. 70 is a bit much, but still I do agree. I am guessing in my salty mood that I was, I rushed to the forums. The crit thing was so bad, all wild pokes would crit me on the 2nd hit, like 70% of the time, dunno what it was. My stance on magneton remains the same though. Still I love this game so much, my fave poke game by far.
Thank you guys for the replays, maybe its really my bad luck, but happens A LOT and I mean a LOT, as for Magneton, In the earlier releases of the game you could have gotten him waay earlier, I agreed on the 1st push back, but the 2nd ? not so much. Thanks for the trade offer, I am gonna do it the regular way though. I do agree on thats part of Pokemon reborn, but getting pretty much the same wild pokes from 1 to 50 60 is iffy, you can argue, that people going out of there way to get mudkip is part of the exploration.
First off, I love the game, thank you guys for all the work you put in..BUT there's some serious BS in the new release let me start. I have beaten the game like 1231321 times so yeah, with that out of the way lets get it crackin. Play the game from the beginning and you'll see what I'm talking about. 1. YOU CANT SET UP ON ANYONE, THEY WILL CRIT YOUR ASS TO OBLIVION. What the hell is this ? Yo I get it if they get the ocassinal crit but this is just pure BS not everyone uses Blaziken as a starter, if you cant balance him out properly remove him ffs, It just puts the game down as a whole. An example, I go in with alakazam, I use 1 calm mind, the foe crits me, I die, I reset cause of the RTG nature and the bosses being hard as fuck, go back in, use calm mind again, 1st hit fine, I recover, 2nd hit CRIT, I survive with 2 hp, I use a potion, go back in, A 3RD CRIT ? da fuck ? and this shit happens all the fucking time. 2. Let me get this straight, 50 lv+ I go against a Garchomp THAT I HIT WITH OUTRAGE and it was not supper effective, hit him with surf STILL NOTHING, hes draco meteor ignores his debufs and destroyes everything, apart from that, back to the crit thing, all of the highter level foes CRIT the fuck out of you, and when garchomp crits you you're pretty much done. Give me a dragon ffs, or some decent pokes, to get a mudkip, a MUDKIP ! I have to wait till level 1321213 ? really ? pure chease. 3. I love the field effects, I love how the game plays but this RTG bullshit is over the top and brings the game down, some of the changes are straight out bad, like replacing mudkip with squirtle, I dont know what you guys have in store for the rest of the episodes, but as is now, it brings the game down. Dont get me wrong, its awesome to play, the new AI, is cool as hell, I suggest these things to be rebalanced. 4.th to evolve my magneton I have to be level 120000 ? really ? again ? why ? this makes no sense what was wrong with the old way of getting the key? why push it even more till the end ? 5TH. The chess puzzle, I love it as a concept, but fuck me did you went over the top, thank god for walkthrougs, cause I played chess once in my life. I am not gonna learn how to be a chess master cause of one puzzle. This is more of a nitcpick though but throwing it out there. This is the only puzzle I have an issue with. Its changes like this, that really bring the game down as a whole, I dont care about HARDCORE POKEMON PLAYERS, I just want to chill, sit back and enjoy, I would not be posting this, if it was not a problem, I've beat so many chease hacks, and all the games, but that still does not change the fact, the game is full of chease as is. You can push trough and beat it, but all fun is lost. I maybe shit at the game, true, I suggest when all the work is done, if have the motivation, to do it, introduce a diff setting. I tried not to be to negative, but I would like to give you guys some feedback, thanks again, all your work is awesome, I hope you revert some of this BS. CONCLUSION. The game is still awesome, the ideas, the puzzles( not the chess one), the freedom you have. You guys rock for doing this, and desirve all the praise you get, I am coding a fighting game for some time now, and I know how in a closed enveiorment you can put stuff in that when you look at them a week later, you think to yourself what the hell was I thinking. Keep on rocking Ame, the testers and all people involved, and a big thank you again.
That was my tactic, get sawmpert in use Earthquake to break the field, then throw everything I got at him. I guess as much for mudkip, but hey I had fun doing it with a fresh team. It was still is fun not having an Bulk up/ Speed boost/ Uber Blaziken. I might as well use this thread, I see some people have Scyther's is he in ? or its just a trainer thing ?
I did beat him for the 4th time now, lowerd his HP to like half, he fucked up and used shadow ball on Hitmonlee and thank god he hit the high jump kick. The only boss that I feel is broken is Arceus he has the field advantage leftovers full heals and I bet that judgment move has like 40pp points lol. Hah I do agree on the 2nd gym part though you nailed that.
Thats the thing, we should not cheap our way around a boss battle stuff like perish song and so on. The boss battle itself needs a reworking. Why not make it when you lose the game continues if you beat him you get an awesome item of some sorts. That's a decent idea. I dont want to pick EL, I never picked him, but I guess I have to now..
I am gonna start by saying I love the game. Its my fave pokemon game to date, thanks for all the work you put in ! The Small things. I dont agree on some changes made to EP 15. Why did you have to switch out mudkip for squritle ? I had to restart the game to pick mudkip again cause I don't know any way of getting him if I choose a diff starter. That took out the joy from the game for me, I want Swampert and Blaziken in my team. ( I do know they are very strong and cheap but those two are a lot of people's fave pokes) Big thing You know you goofed when you left a fighting trade right before a boss, the hitmon line. Why punish the player when he picks to go with the gym leader, that boss is so BS, I am considering picking that EL dude. It depends on the team but that Ditto boss battle is dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb and a HUGE time waste. There is a difference between a hard boss and a time waste, that Ditto boss fight is just that. His judgment attack is sometimes effective some times not at all, and I have no plates on my pokemon. If you want me to beat a hard boss make it consistent so I can prepare a strategy. (I do know how judgment works) I had no fighting type in my team, got hitmonlee leveled him up used two heartscales on him went back, tried again got my ass handed to me, when I seem to be to the point to deliver the final hit one him he always, ALWAYS CRITS ME and I cant finish him off. He also NEVER missed a focus blast and I mean never. The Point The point of this topic was not to complain just to give some feedback. this boss battle needs retweaking. I have beat the game multiple times by now all of the time I lost motivation when I get to the ditto part. How to fix it ? Just like any thread of this kind I got a couple of suggestions how to town the mofo down. 1St one, lower ACC of judgment just for this boss battle or maybe remove the field advantage he has, or lower the level to 70, its on Ame. Maybe I am shit ? That is also a thing I am shit I admit it, but this mofo is cheap for no reason. I am a filthy casual, never dove in competitive or anything like that I play Pokemon games for the single player. Thank you and I do want to apologize If I came out negative. Keep up the good work, Thanks again.