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About ASAPshaman

  • Birthday 02/16/1998

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    Eh, this and that

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. Whats up guys, I'm stuck at Valor mountain. After the cut scene where Venam tries to stop Melia from leaving the villa, I can't find Venam anywhere. I also can't continue into Valor mountain. I even checked Crawli's gym but no luck. I hope I'm not just overlooking something simple. Best Wishes, Shaman Game.rxdata
  3. Thanks for the help. Couldn't find either of them and i still can't continue so i'll just post my save file and hopefully we can get this sorted out
  4. Hi guys, I was playing Rejuvenation and things were getting pretty interesting. I'm at the part right after you beat the groudon and get the magma stone. I got magma drift and headed for Valor mountain, but couldn't continue because of a canyon like blockade in the 2nd floor basement. I looked around a bit and got to the scene with Venam trying to stop Melia from leaving the villa in the resort. But when i entered the villa, i couldn't find Venam anywhere. I looked up a play through (courtesy of Mystic Linx) and an event happens on the second floor with Valerie and Venam that isn't happening in my game. Can anyone help? Shaman
  5. Finally found out the problem. My game didnt have the patch. Patched it up and there were a lot of problem fixes. You can down load the patch on the same site where you download V9
  6. What's up guys I'm at the part just after we temporarily play as Emma and go snooping thru the library. Emma and Aelita have their little confrontation and afterwards, it goes back to my guy in his cell. I tried interacting with everything, but can't get out. Am i missing something?
  7. Thanks Kalzone and Delicious. Idk maybe it depends on the day of the week but all she's selling is reverse/ rare candies, sachet, and funnel cake
  8. Kalzone who did you talk to for the pancakes. I've been trying to evolve my pikachu for a while now
  9. Where exactly do you find them? I near the folks selling ice cream/ sweets and the old man giving away eggs
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