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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by HakuryuYukio

  1. oh it's been a while since i took part in one of these. I actually have a question about the identity of Madame X. Obviously not about who she is because that would be a spoiler. But just out of curiosity, at what point of the games development did Jan make up his mind about the true identity of madame x and did he have multiple candidates at some points?
  2. a little hint... go into the graphics folder and then open the battlers folder. Scroll down until you reach the Xerneas Sprites.
  3. One thing i'm especially interested in right now is how and when Xerneas will show up in the story for multiple reasons: 1. It's Yveltals counterpart 2. Correct if i'm wrong but wasn't there a scene in the story where they talked about how fairy types can't be turned into shadow pokemon? I don't remember which characters talked about it or if it was in some sort of note/diary since it's been so long. 3. The scene where Mega Audino(also a fairy type) was able to free Gloria (Hippowdon) from it's DR Form.
  4. I finally solved it. Topic can be closed.
  5. All right ladies and gentlemen. E19 is almost here. And remember:
  6. Wenn der Hype so groß ist, dass die Leute mehrere Spachen benutzen. When the hype is so big that people start using multiple languages.
  7. Hold up! I was only joking about the site crashing. Don't scare me like that.
  8. well... if the site actually crashes, we'll just call it collateral damage;)
  9. Can you call it controlled chaos if the site is gonna crash because to many people will try to download E19 at once? Not saying that it will happen but you never know...
  10. I think that we will get a new thread for that Same. It's even worse for me since i'm from germany. It's usually midnight for me everytime we get a new update.
  11. Meh... not really Chaos. More like standard reaction everytime a new reborn/rejuvenation update is about to drop.
  12. you know what they say... all good things must come to an end.
  13. The community release will definetly have some of them. Just remember to report them in the upcoming bug thread if you find any. The waiting will be over once this thread is closed. Patience, my friend.
  14. Boy am i glad that i have Xenoblade Chronicles 2 to occupy me until the release. The wait is killing me.
  15. Agreed. Maybe we should talk about our teams that we're gonna bring for the finale. This is mine: Greninja Dragonite Alolan Ninetales Lucario (decided to be fair and wait until E19 for the Mega Stone) Rotom Wash Manaphy(acquired through sandbox mod so don't ask how i got it. Also if i'm gonna kick team meteors ass then i'm gonna do it with my favorite pokemon)
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