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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by HakuryuYukio

  1. So i just checked the obtainable list again and found out that we have access to the ferrothorn line. Can someone please tell me where it's located ? It would be really helpful, because i don't think my manectric can handle the future water gym on it's own. Thank you in advance.
  2. well then, i should consider myself lucky for getting drilbur. On a side note. I have a question about the blue moon ice cream, you get for the keckleon quest in kakori village help center. Remember how we can get heracronite and pinsirite in reborn by giving nyu some blue moon ice cream ? My question is: Are you planing to do something similar in rejuvenation ? Because i'm not really sure if i should use it or not. Also Thank you Jan Thank you Amethyst Thank you Caz and thanks to the whole team. Reborn, Rejuvenation and Desolation reignited my love for pokemon.
  3. From the mystery Egg Event on route 3. There is a boy who will trade you an egg with a randomized pokemon for a phantump egg. I had the lucky draw with drilbur. But that doesn't mean that you will get drilbur aswell. Like i already said, the pokemon you get is randomized and sadly, you can't reset to get a different pokemon. For example, if you get a starly from the mystery egg, then it will always be starly that hatches.
  4. Cool, I guess gigalith will be on my team until Tyranitar is available. But we probably won't get the larvitar line until late game. It's a shame because Tyranitar is my favorite pokemon since i was little. I remember back when i played fire red. I freaked out when i found Larvitar in the Sevault Canyon. And afterwards i started grinding (unfortunately, i didn't know at what level Pupitar would evolve). So i spammed the VS Seeker on the cycling road. And then when my Pupitar reached LV. 55, i was probably the happiest 9 year old boy in the world.
  5. Hey Guys, Quick Question about the gen 7 update for version 9. Does it include the possibility of having a sandstream Gigalith ? I'm asking because of my Sand Rush Excadrill, which would benefit big time. Thank you in advance.
  6. oh well atleast i have shadow ball. I have another question. I'm aware of the EV-Training rooms in gearen city (already got the ones for sp.att and sp.def.). I'm currently breeding murkrow's and torchic's and would like to EV-Train Honchkrow and Blaziken once i have two with good IV's. Is the key for the attack room in gearen city available ? And if yes, what road in the wispy ruins do i have to take ?
  7. Hello, I'd like to do a monotype Dark run. And I was hoping that someone could implement these two pokemon: Larvitar Lv. 5 Jolly Nature Ability: Guts EV's: 4 HP/ 252 Attack/ 252 Speed Moves: Dragon Dance Pursuit Stealth Rock Iron Head Deino Lv. 5 Timid Nature EV's: 4 HP/ 252 Sp.Attack/ 252 Speed Moves: Dragon Rage Dark Pulse Earth Power Toxic Also if it isn't to much, could they please have decent IV's (maybe around the 20's ?) Perfect IV's would be to boring and unfair. As for my reasoning: I love the challenge of leveling these to up. It won't be easy but hey, that's what Reborn is known for. Thank you very much. Here is my save file: Game.rxdata
  8. I'm not sure but i think you get one if you use Dr. Jenkels Machine to repeat one of the event's where you could catch shadow pokemon. Like the Goldenwood Forest Incident with Zetta and the Demon Gyarados or the Amethyst Cave Incident with the Demon Galvantula. After that Jenkel should give you a thunderstone. If you don't remember the location of his lab, it's in Gearen City. I got my second one through mining.
  9. Hey Guys, I have a problem with my Jolteon. I typed it's IV's in the hidden power calculator and it calculated HP Grass. So I checked it's Hidden Power Ingame. Turns out that it's HP Electric instead of HP Grass. Is this some sort of Bug ? Here are my Jolteon's IV's if you're curious: HP:24 ATT:20 DEF:13 SP.ATT:16 SP.DEF:15 SPE:31
  10. So far i have beaten 20 normal trainers and battled 4 elite trainers. first time against the flying gym leader, second time against amelia, third time against the grand rogue, and the forth time again against the flying gym leader but after my second fight with her i went to the judge and nothing happened. No reward and no quest triggered.
  11. Does anybody know where i can get deino ? I've been looking for him but can't seem to find him. Help please ?
  12. Hey guys, I'm looking for the dawn stone. Is he available ?
  13. Hello guys Does anyone know where i can catch heracross ? I just checked the obtainable list and it's catchable. Any help is appreciated
  14. Hey guys, I'm looking for evolutionary stones ( shiny stone, water stone and dusk stone ) Are these three obtainable yet ? Also great job ICSW, i'm really enjoying the game so far. Keep up the great work.
  15. alright. I managed to beat him. Does anybody know if Caz is gonna put a nature changer in the game ? My Togepi has a gentle nature, but the IV's are pretty good.
  16. My current team: Krokodile, greninja, gengar, staraptor, sceptile and magneton. I don't have choice specs because i picked scarf (for the gym battle with emily).
  17. yeah, think i'll stick with staraptor as my flying type because there is no way, i can beat four lv 75 mons with my team. Guess the only thing left to do is evolving my magneton. Hopefully we'll be able to do that in the next update.
  18. as always thank you guys. I appreciate the help. I already beat clef and azu. I guess that the last two are togekiss and wigglytuff Can i get a hint on where they are ? It doesn't have to be the exact location.
  19. thanks, i already got the link stone. But i have a problem. I'm currently in Addenfall Town and i need some team members ( only ones so far are greninja, krokodile and gengar) I've been looking for treecko and togepi but can't seem to find them. Ralts seems like another possibility but i don't know if you can get the dawn stone yet, because i need a fighting typ. Same with Togepi . I don't even know if there's a shiny stone in the game or if there's even a move relearner to reteach togekiss air slash and aura sphere.
  20. i can finally play the game but i have another question. I caught gastly and it already evolved into haunter. How can i evolve it into Gengar ?
  21. i tried both Mega and Media Fire Neither one of them worked for me. I also forgot to mention that it says that my editor is to small to open the data.
  22. do i even get some sort of folder (with audio, graphics and the game itself) for this game ? Or is it just the RAR-Data ? I'm a bit confused now. Because i can't do anything with the data.
  23. i need help, i just tried to download the game but all i'm getting is the RAR-Data which i have to open with my editor (can't find the actual game). Does anybody know why i can't get the game ?
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