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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Kumi

  1. I'm sorry not to be there right now. I have a lot of work on my side. I'll try to update with all your picture next week. (this weekend I will have a manga convention). Thank you for all your pictures !! Kisses!
  2. Thank you ! They are great! I would add tomorrow, when I would do the update ! =3
  3. UPDATE : Pokemon Added : 28. Sandslash 30. Nidorina 49. Venomoth 70. Weepinbell 71. Victreebell 76. Golem 78. Rapidash 82. Magneton 85 Dodrio 89. Muk 105. Marowak 119. Seaking 128. Tauros 170. Chinchou 203. Girafarig 221. Piloswine 229. Houndoom 236. Tyrogue 288. Vigoroth 289. Slaking 296. Makuhita 305. Lairon 305. Aggron 308. Medicham 310. Manectric 313. Volbeat 317. Swalot 326. Grumpig 328. Trapinch 329. Vibrava 330. Flygon 340. Whiscash 354. Banette 364. Sealeo 394. Prinplup 395. Empoleon 413. Wormadam Trash Cloak 429. Mismagius 432. Purugly 436. Bronzor 454. Toxicroak 499. Pignite 500. Emboar 512. Simisage 523. Zebstrika 531. Audino 544. Whirlipede 555. Darmanitan 558. Crustle 576. Gothitelle 584. Vanilluxe 599. Klink 619. Mienfoo 623. Golurk 626. Bouffalant 652. Chesnaught 660. Diggersby 672. Skiddo 676. Furfrou 691. Dragalge 712. Bergmite
  4. Of course !! I am always happy to receive new screen! You can PM me ?
  5. mde2001 : I especially wanted to show as they are in the game. I think it's prettier. And for those who do not want spoiler everything is easier to have the images one by one. TheGamedawg : Yes, I have already Garbodor but I gladly take Noivern ! Thank you !
  6. ☆ 1st Gen : 63/151 ☆ ☆ 2nd Gen : 39/100 ☆ ☆ 3rd Gen : 67/135 ☆ ☆ 4th Gen :42/111 ☆ ☆ 5th Gen : 55/158 ☆ ☆ 6th Gen : 26/72 ☆ ~ Total : 292/727 ~ Completion of ShinyDex : 40,2% Thanks to Miko, Shad, TomSH, Aalys0ne, TheGamedawg, Etesian, Nova, Aquawaffle & TimTim for their aid !
  7. 650. Chespin 651. Quilladin ★ 652. Chesnaught ★ 653. Fennekin 654. Braixen 655. Delphox ★ 656. Froakie ★ 657. Frogadier 658. Greninja ★ 659. Bunnelby ★ ★ 660. Diggersby ★ 661. Fletchling 662. Fletchinder 663. Talonflame ★ 664. Scatterbug ★ ★ 665. Spewpa ★ ★ 666. Vivillon ★ ★ 667. Litleo ★ ★ 668. Pyroar ★ 669. Flabébé 670. Floette 671. Florges ★ 672. Skiddo ★ 673. Gogoat 674. Pancham 675. Pangoro ★ 676. Furfrou ★ ★ 677. Espurr ★ ★ 678. Meowstic Male ★ ★ Meowtic Female ★ 679. Honedge 680. Doublade 681. Aegislash ★ 682. Spritzee ★ ★ 683. Aromatisse ★ ★ 684. Swirlix ★ ★ 685. Slurpuff ★ 686. Inkay 687. Malamar 688. Binacle 689. Barbaracle ★ 690. Skrelp ★ ★ 691. Dragalge ★ 692. Clauncher 693. Clawitzer ★ 694. Helioptile ★ ★ 695. Heliolisk ★ 696. Tyrunt 697. Tyrantrum 698. Amaura 699. Aurorus 700. Sylveon 701. Hawlucha 702. Dedenne 703. Carbink 704. Goomy 705. Sliggoo 706. Goodra 707. Klefki 708. Phantump 709. Trevenant ★ 710. Pumpkaboo ★ 711. Gourgeist ★ 712. Bergmite ★ 713. Avalugg ★ 714. Noibat ★ ★ 715. Noivern ★ 716. Xerneas 717. Yveltal 718. Zygarde 719. Diancie 720. Hoopa
  8. 494. Victini 495. Snivy 496. Servine 497. Serperior ★ 498. Tepig ★ ★ 499. Pignite ★ ★ 500. Emboar ★ ★ 501. Oshawott ★ ★ 502. Dewott ★ ★ 503. Samurott ★ 504. Patrat 505. Watchog ★ 506. Lillipup ★ ★ 507. Herdier ★ ★ 508. Stoutland ★ ★ 509. Purrloin ★ ★ 510. Liepard ★ ★ 511. Pansage ★ ★ 512. Simisage ★ ★ 513. Pansear ★ 514. Simisear 515. Panpour 516. Simipour ★ 517. Munna ★ 518. Musharna 519. Pidove 520. Tranquill 521. Unfezant ★ 522. Blitzle ★ ★ 523. Zebstrika ★ 524. Roggenrola 525. Boldore 526. Gigalith ★ 527. Woobat ★ 528. Swoobat 529. Drilbur 530. Excadrill ★ 531. Audino ★ 532. Timburr 533. Gurdurr 534. Conkeldurr 535. Tympole 536. Palpitoad 537. Seismitoad 538. Throh 539. Sawk ★ 540. Sewaddle ★ 541. Swadloon ★ 542. Leavanny ★ ★ 543. Venipede ★ ★ 544. Whirlipede ★ ★ 545. Scolipede ★ 546. Cottonee 547. Whimsicott ★ 548. Petilil ★ ★ 549. Lilligant ★ ★ 550. Basculin Blue Strike ★ ★ Basculin Red Strike ★ 551. Sandile 552. Krokorok 553. Krookodile ★ 554. Darumaka ★ ★ 555. Darmanitan ★ 556. Maractus 557. Dwebble ★ 558. Crustle ★ ★ 559. Scraggy ★ ★ 560. Scrafty ★ 561. Sigilyph 562. Yamask 563. Cofagrigus 564. Tirtouga 565. Carracosta 566. Archen 567. Archeops ★ 568. Trubbish ★ ★ 569. Garbodor ★ ★ 570. Zorua ★ ★ 571. Zoroark ★ 572. Minccino 573. Cinccino ★ 574. Gothita ★ 575. Gothorita ★ 576. Gothitelle ★ 577. Solosis 578. Duosion 579. Reuniclus 580. Ducklett 581. Swanna ★ 582. Vanillite ★ 583. Vanillish ★ 584. Vanilluxe ★ 585. Deerling 586. Sawsbuck ★ 587. Emolga ★ 588. Karrablast 589. Escavalier ★ 590. Foongus ★ ★ 591. Amoonguss ★ 592. Frillish 593. Jellicent 594. Alomomola 595. Joltik 596. Galvantula 597. Ferroseed 598. Ferrothorn ★ 599. Klink ★ 600. Klang 601. Klinklang ★ 602. Tynamo ★ ★ 603. Eelektrik ★ ★ 604. Eelektross ★ ★ 605. Elgyem ★ ★ 606. Beheeyem ★ 607. Litwick 608. Lampent 609. Chandelure 610. Axew 611. Fraxure 612. Haxorus 613. Cubchoo 614. Beartic 615. Cryogonal 616. Shelmet 617. Accelgor 618. Stunfisk ★ 619. Mienfoo ★ 620. Mienshao 621. Druddigon ★ 622. Golett ★ ★ 623. Golurk ★ 624. Pawniard 625. Bisharp ★ 626. Bouffalant ★ 627. Rufflet 628. Braviary 629. Vullaby 630. Mandibuzz ★ 631. Heatmor ★ 632. Durant 633. Deino 634. Zweilous 635. Hydreigon 636. Larvesta 637. Volcarona 638. Cobalion 639. Terrakion 640. Virizion 641. Tornadus 642. Thundurus 643. Reshiram 644. Zekrom 645. Landorus 646. Kyurem 647. Keldeo 648. Meloetta 649. Genesect
  9. ★ 387. Turtwig ★ 388. Grotle ★ 389. Torterra ★ 390. Chimchar 391. Monferno 392. Infernape 393. Piplup ★ 394. Prinplup ★ ★ 395. Empoleon ★ 396. Starly 397. Staravia 398. Staraptor 399. Bidoof 400. Bibarel ★ 401. Kricketot ★ ★ 402. Kricketune ★ ★ 403. Shinx ★ ★ 404. Luxio ★ ★ 405. Luxray ★ ★ 406. Budew ★ 407. Roserade ★ 408. Cranidos ★ 409. Rampardos ★ 410. Shieldon ★ 411. Bastiodon ★ 412. Burmy Plant Cloak ★ ★ Burmy Sandy Cloak ★ ★ Burmy Trash Cloak ★ ★ 413. Wormadam Plant Cloak ★ ★ Wormadam Sandy Cloak ★ ★ Wormadam Trash Cloak ★ ★ 414. Mothim ★ 415. Combee 416. Vespiquen ★ 417. Pachirisu ★ 418. Buizel 419. Floatzel 420. Cherubi 421. Cherrim 422. Shellos 423. Gastrodon 424. Ambipom ★ 425. Drifloon ★ ★ 426. Drifblim ★ ★ 427. Buneary ★ ★ 428. Lopunny ★ ★ 429. Mismagius ★ ★ 430. Honchkrow ★ ★ 431. Glameow ★ ★ 432. Purugly ★ ★ 433. Chingling ★ ★ 434. Stunky ★ ★ 435. Skuntank ★ ★ 436. Bronzor ★ 437. Bronzong 438. Bonsly ★ 439. Mime Jr. ★ ★ 440. Happiny ★ 441. Chatot ★ 442. Spiritomb ★ 443. Gible 444. Gabite 445. Garchomp 446. Munchlax 447. Riolu 448. Lucario 449. Hippopotas 450. Hippowdon 451. Skorupi ★ 452. Drapion ★ ★ 453. Croagunk ★ ★ 454. Toxicroak ★ 455. Carnivine ★ 456. Finneon ★ ★ 457. Lumineon ★ ★ 458. Mantyke ★ 459. Snover 460. Abomasnow 461. Weavile 462. Magnezone 463. Lickilicky 464. Rhyperior 465. Tangrowth 466. Electivire 467. Magmortar 468. Togekiss 469. Yanmega ★ 470. Leafeon ★ 471. Glaceon 472. Gliscor 473. Mamoswine 474. Porygon-Z 475. Gallade 476. Probopass 477. Dusknoir 478. Froslass 479. Rotom 480. Uxie 481. Mesprit 482. Azelf 483. Dialga 484. Palkia 485. Heatran 486. Regigigas 487. Giratina 488. Cresselia 489. Phione 490. Manaphy 491. Darkrai 492. Shaymin 493. Arceus
  10. ★ 252. Treecko ★ 253. Grovyle 254. Sceptile 255. Torchic 256. Combusken 257. Blaziken 258. Mudkip 259. Marshtomp 260. Swampert 261. Poochyena 262. Mightyena 263. Zigzagoon ★ 264. Linoone ★ ★ 265. Wurmple ★ ★ 266. Silcoon ★ ★ 267. Beautifly ★ ★ 268. Cascoon ★ ★ 269. Dustox ★ ★ 270. Lotad ★ ★ 271. Lombre ★ ★ 272. Ludicolo ★ 273. Seedot ★ 274. Nuzleaf ★ ★ 275. Shiftry ★ 276. Taillow 277. Swellow ★ 278. Wingull ★ ★ 279. Pelipper ★ 280. Ralts 281. Kirlia 282. Gardevoir ★ 283. Surskit ★ ★ 284. Masquerain ★ 285. Shroomish 286. Breloom ★ 287. Slakoth ★ ★ 288. Vigoroth ★ ★ 289. Slaking ★ ★ 290. Nincada ★ ★ 291. Ninjask ★ ★ 292. Shedinja ★ ★ 293. Whismur ★ 294. Loudred 295. Exploud ★ 296. Makuhita ★ 297. Hariyama 298. Azurill 299. Nosepass ★ 300. Skitty ★ ★ 301. Delcatty ★ 302. Sableye ★ 303. Mawile ★ ★ 304. Aron ★ ★ 305. Lairon ★ ★ 306. Aggron ★ ★ 307. Meditite ★ ★ 308. Medicham ★ ★ 309. Electrike ★ ★ 310. Manectric ★ ★ 311. Plusle ★ ★ 312. Minun ★ ★ 313. Volbeat ★ 314. Illumise ★ 315. Roselia ★ ★ 316. Gulpin ★ ★ 317. Swalot ★ ★ 318. Carvanha ★ ★ 319. Sharpedo ★ 320. Wailmer 321. Wailord ★ 322. Numel ★ ★ 323. Camerupt ★ ★ 324. Torkoal ★ ★ 325. Spoink ★ ★ 326. Grumpig ★ ★ 327. Spinda ★ ★ 328. Trapinch ★ ★ 329. Vibrava ★ ★ 330. Flygon ★ 331. Cacnea 332. Cacturne 333. Swablu 334. Altaria ★ 335. Zangoose ★ 336. Seviper ★ 337. Lunatone ★ ★ 338. Solrock ★ ★ 339. Barboach ★ ★ 340. Whiscash ★ 341. Corphish 342. Crawdaunt 343. Baltoy 344. Claydol ★ 345. Lileep ★ ★ 346. Cradily ★ 347. Anorith ★ 348. Armaldo ★ 349. Feebas 350. Milotic ★ 351. Castform ★ ★ 352. Kecleon ★ ★ 353. Shuppet ★ ★ 354. Banette ★ 355. Duskull 356. Dusclops ★ 357. Tropius ★ ★ 358. Chimecho ★ 359. Absol 360. Wynaut 361. Snorunt 362. Glalie 363. Spheal ★ 364. Sealeo ★ 365. Walrein 366. Clamperl 367. Huntail 368. Gorebyss 369. Relicanth ★ 370. Luvdisc ★ 371. Bagon 372. Shelgon 373. Salamence 374. Beldum 375. Metang 376. Metagross 377. Regirock 378. Regice 379. Registeel 380. Latias 381. Latios 382. Kyogre 383. Groudon 384. Rayquaza 385. Jirachi 386. Deoxys
  11. 152. Chikorita 153. Bayleef 154. Meganium 155. Cyndaquil 156. Quilava 157. Typhlosion 158. Totodile 159. Croconaw 160. Feraligatr 161. Sentret ★ 162. Furret ★ ★ 163. Hoothoot ★ ★ 164. Noctowl ★ 165. Ledyba 166. Ledian ★ 167. Spinarak ★ ★ 168. Ariados ★ 169. Crobat ★ 170. Chinchou ★ 171. Lanturn ★ 172. Pichu ★ 173. Cleffa ★ 174. Igglybuff ★ 175. Togepi 176. Togetic ★ 177. Natu ★ ★ 178. Xatu ★ ★ 179. Mareep ★ ★ 180. Flaaffy ★ ★ 181. Ampharos ★ 182. Bellossom 183. Marill 184. Azumarill 185. Sudowoodo 186. Politoed ★ 187. Hoppip ★ ★ 188. Skiploom ★ ★ 189. Jumpluff ★ ★ 190. Aipom ★ 191. Sunkern ★ 192. Sunflora ★ 193. Yanma 194. Wooper 195. Quagsire 196. Espeon 197. Umbreon ★ 198. Murkrow ★ 199. Slowking ★ 200. Misdreavus ★ ★ 201. Unown ★ 202. Wobbuffet ★ 203. Girafarig ★ ★ 204. Pineco ★ 205. Forretress 206. Dunsparce 207. Gligar 208. Steelix 209. Snubbull ★ 210. Granbull ★ 211. Qwilfish 212. Scizor 213. Shuckle 214. Heracross 215. Sneasel ★ 216. Teddiursa ★ 217. Ursaring ★ 218. Slugma ★ ★ 219. Magcargo ★ ★ 220. Swinub ★ ★ 221. Piloswine ★ ★ 222. Corsola ★ ★ 223. Remoraid ★ ★ 224. Octillery ★ 225. Delibird ★ 226. Mantine ★ 227. Skarmory ★ 228. Houndour ★ ★ 229. Houndoom ★ 230. Kingdra ★ 231. Phanpy ★ 232. Donphan 233. Porygon2 234. Stantler 235. Smeargle ★ 236. Tyrogue ★ 237. Hitmontop ★ 238. Smoochum ★ 239. Elekid 240. Magby 241. Miltank ★ 242. Blissey ★ 243. Raikou 244. Entei 245. Suicune 246. Larvitar 247. Pupitar 248. Tyranitar 249. Lugia 250. Ho-Oh 251. Celebi
  12. Hellow all ! As with Miko is enormously hunting on Reborn, we had the idea to make a shiny dex. To allow everyone has to have an overview of a specific pokemon without spoiler others. Just click on the name of pokemon to see its summary. The shinies available are noted by a star. Any help is welcome. If you have any screen, just send me by private message. 1. Bulbasaur 2. Ivysaur 3. Venusaur 4. Charmander 5. Charmeleon 6. Charizard 7. Squirtle 8. Wartortle 9. Blastoise ★ 10. Caterpie ★ ★ 11. Metapod ★ ★ 12. Butterfree ★ 13. Weedle 14. Kakuna ★ 15. Beedrill ★ ★ 16. Pidgey ★ ★ 17. Pidgeotto ★ ★ 18. Pidgeot ★ 19. Rattata ★ 20. Raticate ★ ★ 21. Spearow ★ ★ 22. Fearow ★ ★ 23. Ekans ★ ★ 24. Arbok ★ ★ 25. Pikachu ★ ★ 26. Raichu ★ ★ 27. Sandshrew ★ ★ 28. Sandslash ★ 29. Nidoran♀ ★ 30. Nidorina ★ 31. Nidoqueen 32. Nidoran♂ 33. Nidorino ★ 34. Nidoking ★ 35. Clefairy 36. Clefable 37. Vulpix 38. Ninetales ★ 39. Jigglypuff ★ ★ 40. Wigglytuff ★ 41. Zubat 42. Golbat ★ 43. Oddish ★ ★ 44. Gloom ★ ★ 45. Vileplume ★ ★ 46. Paras ★ ★ 47. Parasect ★ ★ 48. Venonat ★ ★ 49. Venomoth ★ ★ 50. Diglett ★ ★ 51. Dugtrio ★ ★ 52. Meowth ★ 53. Persian 54. Psyduck 55. Golduck 56. Mankey 57. Primeape ★ 58. Growlithe ★ ★ 59. Arcanine ★ 60. Poliwag 61. Poliwhirl 62. Poliwrath 63. Abra 64. Kadabra 65. Alakazam 66. Machop 67. Machoke 68. Machamp ★ 69. Bellsprout ★ ★ 70. Weepinbell ★ ★ 71. Victreebel ★ 72. Tentacool 73. Tentacruel 74. Geodude ★ 75. Graveler ★ ★ 76. Golem ★ ★ 77. Ponyta ★ ★ 78. Rapidash ★ 79. Slowpoke 80. Slowbro ★ 81. Magnemite ★ ★ 82. Magneton ★ 83. Farfetch'd ★ 84. Doduo ★ ★ 85. Dodrio ★ 86. Seel 87. Dewgong ★ 88. Grimer ★ ★ 89. Muk ★ 90. Shellder 91. Cloyster 92. Gastly 93. Haunter 94. Gengar ★ 95. Onix ★ 96. Drowzee 97. Hypno 98. Krabby 99. Kingler 100. Voltorb 101. Electrode 102. Exeggcute 103. Exeggutor ★ 104. Cubone ★ ★ 105. Marowak ★ 106. Hitmonlee 107. Hitmonchan 108. Lickitung ★ 109. Koffing ★ ★ 110. Weezing ★ 111. Rhyhorn 112. Rhydon ★ 113. Chansey ★ 114. Tangela 115. Kangaskhan 116. Horsea 117. Seadra ★ 118. Goldeen ★ ★ 119. Seaking ★ 120. Staryu 121. Starmie 122. Mr. Mime 123. Scyther ★ 124. Jynx ★ 125. Electabuzz 126. Magmar 127. Pinsir ★ 128. Tauros ★ 129. Magikarp 130. Gyarados 131. Lapras ★ 132. Ditto ★ ★ 133. Eevee ★ ★ 134. Vaporeon ★ ★ 135. Jolteon ★ ★ 136. Flareon ★ ★ 137. Porygon ★ ★ 138. Omanyte ★ 139. Omastar ★ 140. Kabuto ★ 141. Kabutops 142. Aerodactyl 143. Snorlax 144. Articuno 145. Zapdos 146. Moltres 147. Dratini 148. Dragonair 149. Dragonite 150. Mewtwo 151. Mew
  13. Thank you for your welcome, it is really fun. I would try to use fewer the traductor online in the future, Even if i don't almost speak english. ! xD.
  14. Hellow! My name Kumi, I am 26 and I am a fan of pokemon since I was 8 years old. I started with the Blue and Yellow versions. I am a fan of pokemon mythology and especially everything related to the background. I am also a collector, all I can find related to the franchise, I buy it. Currently I am in the shiny Hunting, from just over 6 years. (~ 170 shinies on consoles) and I developed a passion for shinies in Pokemon Reborn. This is also thanks to Miko that I signed. My favorites are pokemon Draco Wobbuffet and Rafflesia. In life, I Biology studies in the hope of saving the species disappearing voice. I live in the center of France. That veiled. I want to apologize for my poor English, I use a translator to help me. I hope to make new friends across the Atlantic and has successfully integrate myself among you! Hope to chat with you soon! <3
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